Thursday, March 11, 2010

Town sells Souza-Lagasse farm

The Select Board voted to sell the Souza-Lagasse farm to William and Julie Viveiros at our Monday meeting. Curt Brown reported on the sale in this blog post. The farm was sold with a agricultural restriction and a house lot that must remain as affordable housing if built.
Congratulations to the Viveiros'. At the meeting, William Viveiros said ...

... they intend to keep the orchard of Asian pears which the town had planted. It needs some attention in order to fully produce and the plan is to spray and tend the trees to get good fruit. The plan for the rest of the farm is to grow crops and support a beef cattle operation as I understood it.


Anonymous said...

I bet Bob Miller has already promised every penny and more to the police union. Will they get no cut contracts too?

Tom L. Alden said...

I am interested in working on a local farm. Can you get me in contact with the Veveiros's? I'd appreciate it greatly.

Tom L. Alden