Thursday, March 11, 2010

Governor Patrick pushes for jobs bill. health care cost control

Yesterday I noted in this post that it is difficult to implement cost controls in a small state such as our own. David at Blue Mass Group has two posts (here and here) about Governor Patrick's proposal yesterday to try to implement some controls, particularly for small businesses. Read the first link to BMG above to get the details of the plan which would have regulators review health insurance rate increases and provider rate increases. The second link to BMG talks about the Associated Industries of Massachusetts (AIM) endorsement of the governor's plan. It has always been a puzzle to me why businesses, large or small, do not advocate for health insurance reform since that is a large part of the benefit expense. AIM is on the right track here.
These controls are the step that has been missing from health care reform in the Commonwealth. We now have universal coverage, mandates, and subsidies, the three conditions necessary to implement reform. Now the Commonwealth must make insurance companies and providers justify the soaring costs before allowing increases.
I hope that the legislature will pass the bill.

And here is the rest.


Anonymous said...

Yes, just what we need. More government intervention to fix the problems their previous intervention has created. Once these 'fixes' are in place there will be another plan to 'fix' the last one. The commonwealth has added another layer of paperwork for my small business and guess what - the main problem - increased premiums- have not been solved. In fact the rate of increase has accelerated to pay for all those now given insurance. Nice fix. And on it goes.

Anonymous said...

When the civil rights bill was passed, it had many revisions. When social security was passed, it had many revisions. Since medicare/medicaid passed, there have been many revisions. Pass the bill and make changes!
Small businesses are suffering with employee health care costs. We are paying every time an uninsured individual goes to the ER. We need to pass this bill and make the needed changes along the way. Call your elected officials and ask them to pass this bill now.

Anonymous said...

This bill has to be passes "AS IS" then changed after the President signs it into law.

Some Dems have already stated that the fixes WILL include a public option although Nancy Pelosi was quick to discount that option.

I do not want POLITICIANS deciding what kind of healthcare I get.

The government has had 150 yrs to get the post office working right, and it is broke.

They have had 60 years to get freddy and fannie Mac right, guess what they are broke.

They have had 60 yrs to get Medicare right. Do I need to say it again?? BROKE

And I didn't mention Social Security but do I need to?

Every time Government gets involved the end result is a failed program.

Can anyone name 1 government run operation that has succeeded besides the military and that only succeeds because of brave men and women and a warchest bigger than the rest of the world combined.