Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Three more Senators back public option

TPM blog reports that three more Senators have signed up to support inclusion of a public option health insurance program in any eventual reform bill. That brings the total to 31 Senators in support. The three are Casey of PA, Wyden of OR, and Udall of CO. Our own Senator Kerry has indicated his support but newly elected Scott Brown has not. Call or FAX his office and ...

... ask him to support this effort. His Senate phone number is 202-224-4543. If you call outside of office hours, you can leave a message. You can fax his office at 202-228-2646.
The effort to include the public option is slowly gaining support with 8 more Senators signing on in the past week.
The House also has a way to go as TPM pointed out in this post.


johnq said...

Not happening. Move onto Jobs creation. Too much wasted time.

Anonymous said...

Prepare for vote-a-palooza. Republicans will stop this bill by offering ammendment after ammendment. Pelosi probably doesn't have the votes anyway, but this bill is DEAD>

Anonymous said...

Wow Bill 31% of Senators are calling for a public option and you want people to demand Scott Brown do it too.

You mention nothing of the 69% of Senators who do NOT support it.

Start Creating Jobs said...

Democrats are wasting so much time on health care. How about spending just a portion of that time on the single most important issue in the country -- creating an environment where jobs can grow? I'm a Democrat. I'm disgusted by the way they (members of my party) are fiddling while Rome is literally burning.

Anonymous said...

there are many small Buisnesses and entrepeneurs who would LOVe to start up or hire more...the problem is the cost of healthcare...REFORM healthcare and these entrepeneurs and small businesses can move forward.

Bill Trimble said...

Rather to waste time to provide health insurance for 30 million Americans and reduce costs for the rest of us, than invade and occupy foreign lands. Rather to waste time to regulate irresponsible financial firms, than to spy on us without warrants, rather to help those thrown out of work than to spend more for defense than the rest of the world combined.

Anonymous said...


There are plenty of socialist countries you could go live in.

When you mention how much better socialized medicine is why do you refuse to acknowledge that countries with universal healhcare are on the verg of failing!!!

Greece, England, Spain, France ALL on the verge of collapse with unsustainable debt! The only one this isn't is Canada thanks to their limited population and vast natural resources.

Counting the days until I cast my vote against a socialist SB member, but first I must vote against Joe.

Bill Trimble said...

The European Union is a market nearly as big as the US market and they are kicking our tails in global competition. They already have the green jobs and green technology that we are just now trying to create. The French spend half as much as we do per capita on health care and get better care. The English have the best preventative care anywhere while spending only a third of what we do per capita. Are you content to let health care costs bankrupt the country, make our companies less competitive, and force millions to forego needed medical treatment in the richest nation in the world? Whether or not you vote for my socialist hide, these are facts that won't go away. What's your solution? Tax cuts? Invade a few more countries?

Anonymous said...

Bill there are other solutions besides invading countries and lowering taxes. It is NOT your way or the highway.

Spending 1 trillion dollars in 6 yrs for 30 million people is over 80,000.00 per person, who does that relate to costs in England?

Bill Trimble said...

We have spent 2 trillion to invade and occupy Iraq. In return for that, we have created a client state for Iran. Nice investment.

Anonymous said...

What a joke!

Anonymous telling Bill he can go live in another country if he likes socialism.

Here is a better idea Anonymous,
Go start your own blog and get off Trimble's if you don't like free speech.

Anonymous said...

Isn't telling Bill he can move to another country also free speech. The joke is on you.

Unknown said...

Yes, the joke is you.

Do you get invited to a dinner party and criticize the crab cakes?

Being a good American means changing America for the better, not just gobbling up the nations riches.

I think Mr. Trimble has not only served his country and this community but also you on this blog.

If he was elsewhere he wouldn't have to put up with your insolence and rudeness. And you would have to find someone else to take for granted. Show some decency, for once.

If you have a rational argument - present it. But to insult your host is reprehensible.

Really, you might be happier elsewhere. But if you stay here at least have a point.

Unknown said...

Another thing to "the joke is on you"

The first amendment to the Constitution says "THE GOVERNMENT" shall make no law abridging free speech. And since this is a private blog you have no free speech rights but those that the administrator allows you to have from the goodness of his heart. Can you appreciate that? Now isn't a big THANK YOU in order!

I have a feeling that Mr. Trimble knows that those mindless diatribes from naysayers inspire the people who actually contribute to the betterment of society to redouble their efforts against the "Party of No".

Anonymous said...

A big thank you is in order for you for staying away so long.

Please re-read my post, I reference freedom of speech, not constitutionally protected freedom of speech.

Huge difference James but I doubt you understand that.

Proud supporter of the party of NO!! Especially when the healthcare bill is the alternative.

Unknown said...

I understand more than you can comprehend with your obvious...... ....limitations. Sorry I was away so long but the sun is so soothing in the Caribbean over the winter. It was hot as hell some days I had to turn on the AC.

What freedom of speech are you speaking of?

Did the newspaper print your words of wisdom ... free from editing? Did a magazine? Did a tv station break into regular program so you could say....nothing? Or did you go on the web and ask Mr. Trimble to print your words? Oh, he did, and still you have no appreciation for it. You ask him to go to another country where he would be a successful engineer and would undoubtedly serve the community, while you squander your limited talents on what? Responding to community blogs and hoping for a better lot for yourself. I so enjoy
hearing how miserable a person you are.

Won't you continue to ask Mr. Trimble to print your words about your miserable situation for freely? You are an excellent example for the youth, "If you don't study, you will be stuck like me!"

I so love to hear from you, I thought you might have passed away in a gutter.

Anonymous said...

It must be hard being you. Life if hard enough when you are smart, it's even harder when you are stupid and arrogant.

I will pray for you James. You clearly have issues which will not be resolved in this lifetime. Good luck.

This blog was a more pleasant place without you. I'm sure there is a Caribbean island rejoycing that you have left!

Anonymous said...

while you squander your limited talents on what? Responding to community blogs and hoping for a better lot for yourself. I so enjoy
hearing how miserable a person you are.

So we have something in common jimmy? At least you can admit it.