Friday, May 29, 2009

Executive Administrator search update

The Executive Administrator Search Committee and Municipal Resources, Inc. (MRI) met with the Select Board on Tuesday to update the status of the Executive Administrator search. Seventy three applications were received and the winnowing process has begun. The Executive Administrator Search Committee and MRI will now ...

... pare down the list to 20-30 applicants who will be asked to respond to some essay questions. After those are received and reviewed, the list will be reduced to 4-6 candidates who will be invited to meet with panels of town employees and town residents who will give their input. Finally, 2 or 3 of those interviewed will be presented to the Select Board for the final selection.


Anonymous said...

Excellent. 73 applications..that certainly takes the wind out of the "you'll never find anyone as qualified" croud.

old timer said...

I am excited about moving forward with a real qualified EA! Someone who actually evaluates those who report to him/her. Someone who actually sets benchmarks/goals for those who report to him/her. Wow! Nice to have a real EA leading Dartmouth rather than someone handpicked by Miller and George. So long to the good ole boys!

Anonymous said...

This is a very exciting time for Dartmouth, a time to start anew, with someone not tainted by the the good ol' boys network and politicking.

Anonymous said...

What great news! And with the excellent search committee members we have, we will no doubt have a choice of a few high caliber individuals from which to select our new leadership. Thanks to all of them for their dedication and hard work to assure quality governing of our community.

Anonymous said...

Wow, we can finally see a ray of sunshine. Just want to thank ex selectman Ms. Diane Gilbert. Along with selectmen Mr. Trimble and Mr. Michaud. With your insight and courage, we the people have returned sanity back in Dartmouth. WARNING, Bob Miller still has intentions of making another run for selectman. He has his sight on Mr. Michaud.
I know it's a few months before the next town election, but don't forget, Nat Dias is running for re-election. Remember when Mike didn't get re-appointed? Remember when Nat told everyone who was watching DCTV that Mike should sue the town. Behind that wide smile and hen cackle, is a long political dagger.
I'd like to see Frank Gracie make another run for selectman.

Anonymous said...

Miller take a run at Michaud? That's just sad. He'll take out papers again, realize he has no support, then throw what little backing he has behind another school advocate.

Anonymous said...

Joe Michaud may not be popular with everyone. But Bob Miller is surely UNPOPULAR with almost the whole town.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 8:14 and 9:06 are right on target, and I'm glad they are right up there with a warning to us all.

If we are not careful, astute, and prepared, we will definitely fall prey to another SB member who has been set up, coached, and primed by the Dartmouth Parents Group, the teachers' union, the pro-overriders, UMD affiliates, and anyone else subscribing to the above-mentioned groups' philosophy, which is spend and spend (and it will all be in the name of the kids, although that mantra may be adapted in some manner, since it really wasn't too effective the first trime around with respect to the override, anyway.)

THIS IS THE TIME to begin preparing a candidate who will represent all of us, not one who champions a certain segment or a certain philosophy that, while noble, nonetheless, does not take into consideration the financial needs and reality of the rest of the town.

You can be sure that any candidate supported by the above groups will not only have large numbers of people support, thus affording manpower and great visibility, but also have availability to the deep pockets of his or her supporters. Our newest SB members were not lacking in either, and they were backed by and with both.

It really is imperative that, if anyone is interested in running for the SB in 2010, he or she keeps that in mind.

It is also imperative that he or she begin campaigning now. It will be 2010 in just a few months, when you think about it, and campaigning will begin at the end of 2009, so there is no time to sit on the fence as you decide.

We are indeed fortunate to have had Ms. Gilbert. If not for her perseverance, we would not have known about the job/financial protection for life contractual language, and we would no doubt be living under the shadow of the good ol' boys even now. Bill and Joe are likewise to be commended in continuing to follow the trail of shoddy governing that has been dogging the town all these past years.

How fortunate we have this opportunity to have a fresh start with a new executive administrator. Now let's continue seeking equal, unbiased representation on the Select Board.

Anonymous said...

8:14 Gracie make another run for selectman???? He came in a distant, and I mean, distant third. You bloggers confuse your influence with the public. Many thought Gracie would cruise like Trimble. Remember, it was Horan who beat herself in 2008.

Anonymous said...

anon 12:12 You confuse yourself. The problem was that Gracie didn't make a run at all. No one wants to see that again.