Monday, May 18, 2009

Swansea and Somerset regionalize service

The Herald News has an article here about Swansea and Somerset entering into a regional or inter-municipal agreement to provide animal control. Somerset will use Swansea's dog oficer and kennel and pay Swansea $34,000 for the service.
This is an excellent example of the benefits...

... of inter-municipal agreements, both communities will save under this agreement.


Anonymous said...

Thank goodness these towns are cooperating to provide the necessary services that our animals, pets and otherwise, need and should be afforded.

Either Dartmouth should work something similar out, or give Sandy the necessary human help to provide the type of (24-hour) care apparently Swansea and Somerset will be able to provide its four-legged residents.

I am all in favor of doing something to further protect and care for our animals. Their consideration and well-being are long overdue, as well, by our governing leaders.

Give Sandy help and residents the assurance that their pets and their (pet and human) safety will not be compromised.

Sandy can only do so much. She is an asset to the community and a compassionate individual. I know; I have had many conversations with her when my own family members have gone on their walkabouts, leaving me frantic until their return (safely, thank goodness.)

Anonymous said...

Safer, now, no longer letting them out, and no more late-night pacing, which is nice, I might add.