Friday, May 15, 2009

What progress is being made toward fiscal health?

The discussion in comments of this post has been about the progress that the town has made toward fiscal health. As part of that discussion, a document listing potential ways to do so that was authored and approved by proponents and opponents of the $8.5 million 2007 override request was referenced. Mr. Roscoe has forwarded a copy of that document to me and I have posted it at this link for reference.
Mr. Walker came before the Select Board way back in February 2008 and proposed a Personnel bylaw change which implemented many of the changes proposed in the document referenced above. He was roundly castigated for it at the time. The proposal has since been reviewed and refined by the Personnel Board, but has not as yet been brought to the Town Meeting for action. In the intervening months, the situation has ...

... changed somewhat with the management employees forming a collective bargaining unit and the economic troubles across the state and nation. Unfortunately, we will be going into contract negotiations with most of the town's bargaining units with the Personnel bylaws unchanged and still codifying benefits which might have been reduced in those negotiations. The wheels of government turn slowly, still I hope that the Town Meeting will see a revision of the Personnel Bylaws soon.
The town has acted on quite a few of the items, postage, planning, a lock box service for payments, and others. It would be a very long post to go over each item so I will forgo that. If you have a question about a specific topic, let me know and I will address it in comments.
One area that has not been aggressively pursued in my opinion is that of e-government or the use of technology to reduce cost and increase transparency and participation. I am going to pursue that over the next few months with the town departments.


Anonymous said...

At least a year or so ago, Mrs. Dias suggested using both sides of the paper when printing. So far, not much has been done in that respect. I can imagine the waste of paper there, when there are large documents that must be printed out for large numbers of people.

So easy a change. No red tape to go through to get it implemented, either.

Anonymous said...

how about electronic documents? no paper at all!!!

momof3nPT said...

what an excellent meeting of the minds on govt reform. Of course, the devil always resides in the details, but I hope Ed I. and dept. heads in Town Hall all have a copy to refer to while working on efficiency.

Anonymous said...

The truth is nobody can ever get the right or proper budget info to make good decisions for the full body. It is wrong.