Thursday, May 21, 2009

Wiki-government and email contacts

This Tuesday as the Finance Committee met and were collaborating on the wording of their message to the Town Meeting, a member, Professor Shannon Jenkins, commented that a wiki would have made the task possible on line. That peaked my interest and I searched the internet to see if others had the same idea. Turns out that this idea is in its infancy. The General Services Administration of the federal government has a guide to the use of wikis here for use in wiki-government. Dot Gov Watch has an article here about governments that are using wikis In my opinion, Dartmouth is not ...

... using even document management or email as effectively as it should so I don't expect the town to lead the way here but it is an interesting topic for thought. Where do you think wikis could find a place in governing?
On a separate note, there was a sheet in my town meeting packet asking me to provide my email as a way for the town to contact me. That got me thinking about whether or not the town has a policy on the protection and use of that kind of information. My guess is that we do not. Of course if the town is going to gather that sort of information, a policy should be adopted on who may have access to the information and what the town is going to do with it. What do you think about that subject?


Anonymous said...

I think a policy on email collection is important. I noticed a pretty detailed one when I subscribed to the Parent Group email a while back.

You should be talking to them Bill they have been doing this for years.

Anonymous said...

I for one was very concerned when I saw this information request included with town meeting material. Who is requesting the information? It did not have the town letterhead or any information telling me the source. What will be done with this information and who will have access to it?

I think using the internet as much as possible is the answer. Especially when receiving all this unnecessary paperwork and the cost of postage. I just have a problem with giving personal information to....???.