Monday, August 31, 2009

Bill filed to allow appointment for Senator Kennedy's seat

Blue Mass Group has a post on a bill to allow Governor Patrick to appoint an interim US Senator prior to the special election to fill Senator Kennedy's seat.
I think that this bill ...

...will move quickly through the legislature and be passed. What do you think?
The Commonwealth will hold a special election to fill Senator Kennedy's seat within 160 days. There has been some speculation as to who will run. I have heard Attorney General Coakley, former Congressmen Joe Kennedy and Meehan, Congressmen Markey, Capuano, and Lynch. Do you have a favoriate among those or is there someone else who you would like to see run?


Ray Medeiros,Jr said...

Mike Dukakis as interim,he's 70 yrs old and no interest in running for election. Martha Coakly,Capuano,Lynch,Delahunt and maybe one other will fight it out during the primaries for the Dems. I heard Mitt Romney may want another kick at the seat..we ran for it before and it could be a launching pad for a presidential he hasn't used Massachusetts for that before.

Anonymous said...

Ray, how about NO interim. The law is the law. We have had only one voice in the Senate since Kennedy got sick. Over the last year he has missed 97% of Senate votes.

The LAW in Mass is an election within 145-160 days. There is no provision for an interim anything.

Ray Medeiros,Jr said...

there should be, it's only right. Massachusetts is short one voice

Anonymous said...

Massachusetts has been short a voice for 47 years. Kerry hasnt done much either, other than raise use his seat as a launch pad too..

Jackinbox said...

Kennedy knew he was on his way to the land of milk and honey. May his soul find peace. The almighty will make the final judgement, not the voters of Massataxit.
Six months ago, Kennedy should have resigned. A special election held, and we would have two sitting senators.
Didn't we go through this with Kerry. Ooops, we had a republican governore. ( special election only )

Ray Medeiros,Jr said...

The State GOP floated an amendment in 2004 that was indentical to Senator Kennedy's letter this year, which stated an appointment UNTIL a special election,this was in the Kennedy letter and the 2004 GOP amendment. The Republican party is pointing a hypocritical finger at the Democratic party, while they themselves are guilty of playing politics. They were for Kennedy's letter in 2004 essentially and now they are against it.

Anonymous said...

They dont support it because of some nobel cause , they dont support it because we dont have a republican governor to name one of their own. They sure did when they had Romney

Anonymous said...

Ray, there is big difference between the Republicans and the Democrats on this issue. Yes, the Republicans were in favor of the interim appointment 4 years ago –but they were rejected by the Democrats for political purposes. Now the Democrats want to change the rules again in the middle of the game because it fits their agenda while the Republicans would like the rules established to continue – it is called keeping a level playing field. The Democrats made the rules and now they are crying that they have to live by them. Ray, you can put as much perfume on this one as you want; but it still stinks like the south end of a northbound horse. If anyone doubts what is going on here, just answer one simple question, “Would the Democrats favor the change if there were a Republican Governor?”

Ray Medeiros,Jr said...

so are insisting that Republicans are not guilty of playing politics right now?

Ray Medeiros,Jr said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ray Medeiros,Jr said...

The GOP is flip flopping on this issue and they are blaming the democrats for doing the same thing

Anonymous said...

keep talking Ray.....

Anonymous said...

Republicans were for before they were against it? How?

Anonymous said...

No one can seriously claim that this isn't partisan politics at its finest.

Simple point to end the discussion.

True: Republicans wanted interim appointment.

True: Squashed by the Democrats in legislative branch out of fear the interim would be a Republican appointed by Romney.

True: Advocating for an interim appointment here is political. Period.

Ray Medeiros,Jr said...

Exactly, I was just trying to show everyone that Republican legislators are plying the same game of politics that they are accusing the Democrats of playing. There is no denying that fact

Anonymous said...

The Dems have all the cards they are the majority. If the repubs don't like it tough cookies. Repubs need to get elected more often but they won't because they are hated around here. Especially when you have a stooge like Hodgson as your leader. Can't even keep his prison running on the funds he is given,some conservative he is.

Anonymous said...

I'm a Democrat. I don't want any interim Senator. Why don't we Democrats play by the rules for a change and just elect a new Senator in January? We Democrats created the rule. Let's not change it because it's inconvenient.

Anonymous said...

It's called Kennedy.

Anonymous said...


The Republicans just want you to stop changing the rules every time it is to your advantage. No they are not hypocritical they just want consistency. The Democrat Party on the other hand can't seem to live by the rules that they made. As 8:48 said, it stinks.

You have no intelectual honesty.

Anonymous said...

Why do the republicans want to keep the same law now and not the law prior to 2004. They didnt want the current law, now they want to keep it. It seems to me that they are against a rule change because a Democrat is in office. They are guilty just as much as the Dems,both parties are palying politics. But just dont point fingers at one party.

Anonymous said...

The republicans have not had legislative authority in this state for the lifespan of anyone who reads this blog. Yes we can blame one party here.

Anonymous said...