Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Health Care meeting with Mr. Frank changes venue

From Dartmouth Democratic Town Committee chair, Ray Medeiros, Jr.

The venue for Congressman Frank's meeting has been changed due to a larger than expected interest(which is great). We have moved the location to the Dartmouth Council on Aging. the time and date are the same: Aug 18th at 6:30pm. Thank you all and sorry for any inconvenience.

See you there! I hope that we can have a fruitful and truthful discussion about what the specifics of health care reform entail and can avoid spectacles that have occurred at other meetings. For reference, take a look at this video of Congresswoman Tsongas trying to get a word in edgewise.
Video after the jump

Shame on those who shout, interrupt and generally make it impossible for anyone to have a meaningful discussion or even an orderly meeting. Many in the crowd showed complete disrespect for others and the Congresswoman. Democracy is messy, I understand that. Being rude does not further anyone's position.


Anonymous said...

The congresswoman refused to answer a simple question posed to her. That question was; 'Would she join the health care plan that she is pushing on us 'ordinary' citizens.' She would not give a simple 'yes' or 'no'. Instead she said Obama was giving us all 'more choices' like Congress has. I am sure she does not mean us ordinary folks will get to choose the Congresswoman's plan. What she fails to grasp is that we are not as dumbas she and her associates would have you believe. Even ignoring all the 'little details' that have been discussed Obama would have you believe 47 million more people will get health coverage than get it now and it will actually cost less and provide better coverage. Please. Why not first demonstrate that the gov can actually do something like fix the VA system first, then come to us with proof they know what they are doing. Until then these meetings will be more of the same.

Anonymous said...

hese disruptions have a HUGE racial undertone...just ask the congressman from GA. A nazi symbol on his office sign and email..calling him an n----- and will always be an n-----

Oh yeah..HEY FOX NEWS how about those lies saying that there aren't any sign of swastikas...hmmm fair and balanced my Oklahoma @$$

Anonymous said...

Why is the right wing so charged up about the Constitution when it comes to taxation and gun rights...but when a right wing group and politician wants to censure what is in a library or read in school that is ok...because the book might not be appropriate for children...LET ME the parent make that decision.

Anonymous said...

If she already has a plan why would she change? That's one of the nice things I've heard about the plan.

Brian said...

You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich.
You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong.
You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift.
You cannot lift the wage earner up by pulling the wage payer down.
You cannot further the brotherhood of man by inciting class hatred.
You cannot build character and courage by taking away people's initiative and independence.
You cannot help people permanently by doing for them, what they could and should do for themselves.
Obarma will tax the rich to pay for health care.

WWJD said...

On the last day, Jesus will say to those on His right hand, "Come, enter the Kingdom. For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was sick and you visited me." Then Jesus will turn to those on His left hand and say, "Depart from me because I was hungry and you did not feed me, I was thirsty and you did not give me to drink, I was sick and you did not visit me." These will ask Him, "When did we see You hungry, or thirsty or sick and did not come to Your help?" And Jesus will answer them, "Whatever you neglected to do unto one of these least of these, you neglected to do unto Me!"

Anonymous said...

One question that all members of Congress should be asked is, "Are you going to participate in the new health care plans or will you still have a separate plan?" The answer will answer or give us concerns.

Stop the lies said...

All federal employees, including Congressmen, share the same plan.
There is nothing in the legislation being put out that would take away any part of that plan or require anyone to drop a plan that they have and are happy with. On the other hand, those who aren't covered or who aren't happy with their insurance can change to another, including the one that federal employees enjoy. What difference does it make if Frank would choose a plan. Why don't we take care of everyone? What we do now isn't working. People are losing their insurance and that's causing unnecessary suffering. We pay twice as much as the rest of the world and don't even provide care for large numbers of people. Something's wrong with that.

Ray Medeiros,Jr said...

There is a strong argument and comparison that can be made between the gilded age of the twenties and the past thirty years of our nation's economy. The 1920's was an era of unprecedented growth and economic prosperity . president Hoover stated "a chicken in every pot", this was true and our nation was in the midst of a great economic upturn that some claimed would never falter. This was also a time when there wasn't' a hint of regulation and a national sentiment of small, non-intrusive government in the marketplace. That era gave way to one of the most devastating eras of this country's history,The Great Depression. The nation saw itself continuing down the slippery slope of faulty,unregulated and mismanaged business and banking which ultimately brought forth the depression of the 1930s.

Ray Medeiros,Jr said...

It wasn't until President Franklin D. Roosevelt and the "new deal" that created a safety net and began setting up commissions and boards (NLRB) to oversee businesses,banks and the stock market,which gave the American public the assurance that the economy would be more stable and it would not allow the mistakes of the 1920s to reoccur. The United States would not feel a full recovery until the middle of World War 2 and I believe that it was the war that actually lifted us out,but it was the New Deal that gave us solid footing going forward and not revert back.

Ray Medeiros,Jr said...

The past thirty years a movement that seems to be a mirror image of the sentiment of the 1920's has been gaining momentum and followers within a certain political establishments. Deregulation of business and banking and also the deterioration of our safety net has been the focus of the current minority movement. This deregulation,while did spur the greatest economic run of the past 50 years, just as it did in the gilded age of the 20s also spurred the economic Great Recession we are in today,and if it wasn't for the little regulation and safety net we have now,the Great Recession would have been much deeper and much greater. So let's learn from our history and do not buy into the story that regulation inhibits growth but finally realize regulation prohibit collapse

Anonymous said...

GLENN BECK states that we have THE WORST HEALTH CARE SYSTEM!!!!when he was on CNN NOW WITH FOX it's the BEST

Anonymous said...

I believe that it was the war that actually lifted us out,but it was the New Deal that gave us solid footing going forward and not revert back.

Nice revisionist history Ray. Everywhere else in the world that time frame is known as "the depression" it was a worldwide event not localized to the United States. The new deal did succeed in making our depression "the great depression"

So far as WWII pulling us out of the depression, that is only true because the manufacturing base of the rest of the world was destroyed by 10 or more years of war/

American goods sold fast because we were the only ones still making goods and the rest of europe NEEDED our STUFF/.

The recovery had nothing to do with the new deal.

Ray Medeiros,Jr said...

precisely, the new deal helped us remain on the right course up until late 1970 when the energy crisis hit. Then in the 1980s deregulation became the norm and we reverted back to the way we were in the 1920s that ingnited the depression of the 30s

Anonymous said...

You are completely ignorant of the timing and causes of the Great Depression. It started in 1929, Roosevelt wasn't even elected until 1932 and first New Deal legislation passed in 1933, nearly 3 years after the stock market crash. A second wave of New Deal bills passed in '34-35 and almost none after that. Here's the true deal, http://memory.loc.gov/learn//features/timeline/depwwii/newdeal/newdeal.html

Anonymous said...

Dr. Anne Doig, the incoming president of the Canadian Medical Association, said her country’s health care system is “sick” and “imploding,” the Canadian Press reported.

“We know there must be change,” Doig said in a recent interview. “We’re all running flat out, we’re all just trying to stay ahead of the immediate day-to-day demands.”

Canada’s universal health care system is not giving patients optimal care, Doig added. When her colleagues from across the country gather at the CMA conference in Saskatoon Sunday, they will discuss changes that need to be made, she said.

“We all agree the system is imploding, we all agree that things are more precarious than perhaps Canadians realize,” she said.

Current president of the CMA, Dr. Robert Ouellet, will make a presentation at the conference about his findings when he toured Europe in January, and met with health groups in several countries.

Ouellet has said that “competition should be welcomed, not feared,” meaning private health insurance should have a role in the public health system.

Doig said she isn’t sure what kind of changes will be proposed when the conference wraps up, but she does know that changes have to come – and fast. She said she understands that universal health care, while good in some ways, has not always been helpful for sick people or their families.

"(Canadians) have to understand that the system that we have right now — if it keeps on going without change — is not sustainable," Doig said.

Anonymous said...

Note to Massachusetts residents who attended this meeting... vote him out of office. Tell your friends, family, co-workers, etc. to rid your great state of this buffoon. It is obvious to us outsiders that Barney Frank has no regard for his constituents and his arrogance at this meeting proves it to a tee. He had no interest in hearing what anyone there had to say and he doesn't care what anyone thinks about healthcare. In every state in this great union the message should be clear. Demand all elected officials to participate in the healthcare plans they so say 'we' so desperately need. If they are unwilling to do so, we as the ultimate wielder of power, will vote their incumbent a$$es out of office. The message should be clear, strong and concise. We the people have the POWER to exact change... we must seize it and flex our Constitutional muscle and get this country back where it belongs... to the PEOPLE!

Anonymous said...

Just watched the Barney Frank video clip from the meeting last night. Saw Ray Medeiros grabbing material from someone in the audience and trying to throw her out of the room. Then he proceeded to yell at those protesting his actions. Wasn't he supposed to be the chairman of this event??? Way to go Ray! Showing your true colors.

To view the clip, go to comcast homepage and click on "news". Then scroll down to find the story.

Ray Medeiros,Jr said...

First of all it wasn't a girl the was a kid that (18-22 years old) sitting on the floor in the aisle meant for people who had questions, i was alerted to the kid by concerned people and they motioned for me to come and dissolve the issue. When I approached the kid I told him he had to leave the meeting because he was disruptive and causing concern to legitimate people, He was part of an organized group from all over the country. He didnt comply so I proceeded to throw him out of the meeting. As for me yelling at the person in the audience,well I was just defending myself as they were yelling obesenties at me.

Ray Medeiros,Jr said...

The police were not on the premesis during that confrontation, or I would have had them take care of it. As chairman of the meeting it is my duty to maintain order at the meeting. If you dissagree with my handling of it, I urge you at the town meeting coming up on August 25th, feel free to sit in the aisle of the auditorium and be disruptive to the people around and lets see how people react to you

Ray Medeiros,Jr said...

Luckily your in the minority of people that think I acted inappropriately, because many people have come forward including a few people in the opposition to the healthcare bill letting me know I handled the situation fine, in fact if I hadn't been abrupt and forward and demanding who knows if something could have escalated further. Luckily instead that kid took a seat in the AUDIENCE where he belongs instead of being obstructive to the whole meaning of having the meeting in the first place.

Anonymous said...

Where were the police at such an event??? Ray didn't you think there was a possibility that things could get out of hand considering this has been such a hot button issue? As you so clearly point out, you were the chairman and should have been responsible for security.

Defending yourself from what??? Were these people physically threatening you? Or do you always respond to opposition with anger? And what about grabbing material from this "kid"? You have no right or authority whatsoever to do that. You showed yourself to be someone with little tolerance for opposing views and someone who believes you have the right to physically confront another citizen rather than debate an issue.

Ray Medeiros,Jr said...

I have every right to take that material I explicitly stated was not allowed in the meeting...any type of signs were not allowed to be displyed in the room.PLease google Lydon Larouche PAC and educate yourself on this group this kid was in. the police were outside, not in the building.

Ray Medeiros,Jr said...

I allowed the opposition to any policy to be heard, this group adds nothing to the debate, listen to FOX NEWS they stated that the chairman was extrmemly fair in allowing both sides to be heard.

Anonymous said...

No Ray, you had no right to do so. You can request material not be brought in but you have no right or authority to physically remove it from a person.

Ray Medeiros,Jr said...

As long as he didnt display i didnt have a problem with it being in the room. there were others with signs but they didnt display it. When i picked up his stuff that was because i was telling him to leave "please take you posters and leave this meeting".