Sunday, August 9, 2009

Select Board interviews Executive Administrator candidates

The Select Board interviewed three candidates for Executive Administrator Thursday. The three were Mr. Paul Beecher of Chicago, Mr. Neal Beets of Federal Way, WA. and Mr. David Cressman of Tewksbury. All three candidates answered questions from Select Board members for a little over an hour.

I would like to acknowledge the fine work done by the Executive Administrator search committee (Chair Mr. Mark Eisenberg, Mr. Bernie Roth, Mr. Ed Goulart, Ms. ML Nunes, and Mr. David Ferreira) who spent many hours reviewing and evaluating the original field of 73 applicants to get the number down to these three. I am confident that any of these three gentlemen can do a good job as Executive Administrator.

The candidate that I prefer is Mr. Cressman. I liked his use of technology in government such as a reverse 911 and an award winning town website in Tewksbury. Mr. Cressman stated that he embraces new technology in order to make government more responsive and efficient. Mr. Cressman also has the advantage of working in Massachusetts so he is familiar with the unique features of municipal government in the Commonwealth. Mr. Cressman noted that Tewksbury has weathered the current economic downturn pretty well under his guidance. Tewksbury has also undertaken an impressive list of capital projects during his tenure. Mr. Cressman seems to be more an introvert than an extrovert and cited that as his greatest weakness.

My second choice would be Mr. Beecher. I am impressed ...

... with his solid background in finances and his experience. Mr. Beecher has also been a town manager in New England, so he has some experience with a town meeting style of government. Mr. Beecher struck me as very forthright and confident as well.

My thurd choice would be Mr. Beets. I liked the method that he described for maintaining staff engagement with weekly staff meetings. I think he is capable of enhancing the capabilities of the staff through coaching and encouragement. Mr. Beets had some good ideas about economic development and partnering with UMass Dartmouth. I think he has the least experience of the three in fiscal management. The distance that he has to move is also a factor.

The Select Board will meet on Monday and discuss which of these three gentleman will be the first to get an offer of employment. The Board, through Municipal Resources Inc., will make an offer to one of the three and there will be a negotiation between the town and candidate to see if we can reach an agreement. If we cannot reach agreement or if the candidate withdraws due to accepting anothr position, the Select Board will select another candidate and make an offer to them.


Anonymous said...

I would describe Mr. Cressman not as shy or introverted. I think the word best describing his demeanor is "reserved." He is reserved, professional, well-spoken, and confident. Being reserved speaks of professionalism and dignity. I think he has both.

I think he could easily command the respect of the town and lead it well.

Anonymous said...

I like your choice but I'm not sure the SB chairman will allow you to vote today/evening. How can one person have such control over the SB members?
Isn't it time for you to stand up and be counted??

Anonymous said...

Isn't Mr. Cressman being phased out of Tewksbury? Why would let such a qualified guy go? Oh, that's right,we did the same thing too.

Anonymous said...

No, we didn't.

Bird Dog said...

What was with Mike Watson tonight? First he says that it is important to move the process forward, then he won't say who he wants. Finally, after he is done playing that game, he wants to cut the list of two year objectives so they can review the progress in one year. Mike, here's a clue. Leave the entire two year list of objectives, prioritize them, and do a progress review every three months.

Anonymous said...

Bird Dog...Run for office if you think you know it all. Your comment speaks volumes of how clueless you are. Did you watch the TV? The process was handled well by all. Good luck!!

Anonymous said...

To anon 9:03, I too am frustrated with Watson. He speaks with forked tongue. However, I don't think Nat Dias could be outdone with her behavior. She first made a motion to throw out all candidates because she wasn't happy with any of them. Then she sang the praises of the nominee. What was her point other than to be divisive?

Anonymous said...

Bill, I believe you selected the best candidate. I wish him well with the hope he is the best Executive Administrator in Dartmouth's history.

That said, it is somewhat ironic how the circumstances of Mr. Cressman's departure from Tewsbury so closely resembles what happened in Dartmouth with Mike Gagne. Hopefully, Mike will also find good fortune with a new job, possibly in Mattapoisett.

Anonymous said...

Frustrated with Watson?? This board collectively took careful time to think about each candidate and methodically moved towards an appointment. Watson greatly participated in this process. For the record, I voted against Watson, yet would happily support him today.

longtime resident said...

Re: Mr. Cressman phased out in Tewksbury, After being in a community for 20 yrs. (just as Gagne) it is difficult to be objective and 'get the job done'. Mr. Cressman has the qualifications Dartmouth needs. Any of the three were well qualified, and I am happy that the SB is moving forward with this pick. I hope the process moves on a positive note and Dartmouth can have its new EA soon!

Anonymous said...

Mike Watson and Nat Dias appeared to be cut from the same cloth yesterday. Both refused to name their choice candidate until they had heard from everyone else on the Board. Why? It just looked like they wanted to reserve their vote until they knew whom the other three considered as the strongest candidate. Maybe so they would appear "right," and not risk "alienating" the public because, after all, the other three liked "their" candidate, too?

This is an election year for Mrs. Dias and she has to make nice.

Why, though, would either of them not be willing to be forthright and just state their first candidate choice, and the reasons why if they felt he was the best choice?

I was also surprised with the rapidity of Mr. Watson's motion to eliminate Mr. Beecher for contention for the position. I don't remember if he specifically stated why, though maybe he did. At any rate, he pushed his motion through, and quickly at that.

Anonymous, 7:01, I think Mrs. Dias thinks the only "perfect fit" for Dartmouth was the one we let "get away," because, as one "gentleman" stated back in December, we (a certain Board member at the time) were just plain ignorant and didn't know the prize we had.

We will never get a "perfect fit." It's impossible, though Mrs. Dias would certainly like to have seen the Board and Search Committee try (again.) We are only human; no person, even the one that we let "get away" is god, although some people have difficulty understanding that.

Congratulations to Mr. Cressman. He is the best candidate.

Anonymous said...

Did you watch the meeting?? Michaud liked Beets. Your quote "It just looked like they wanted to reserve their vote until they knew whom the other three considered as the strongest candidate. ". Who are the three Watson and Dias were waiting for? Stone and Michaud were admittadly torn between Cressman and Beets. Watson moved for Cressman and they joined him. If anything, Watson joined Trimble in leading the board towards Cressman last night.

Anonymous said...

First, I know Mr. Michaud liked Beets. Mrs. Stone liked him, also, and Mr. Trimble liked Mr. Beecher. Both Mr. Trimble and Mrs. Stone liked Cressman and stated so from the outset.

I inferred that Mrs. Dias and Mr. Watson were waiting for the "other three" as being Mrs. Stone, Mr. Trimble, and Mr. Michaud, the first two having voiced their choice AS THE FIRST TWO. Then Mrs. Dias and Mr. Watson stated they would wait for Mr. Michaud, THE THIRD, to state his choice, and THEN they would announce theirs. Which is precisely what happened.

I don't care who led who to a vote. I merely voiced MY opinion. However, the fact still remains that neither Mrs. Dias nor Mr. Watson revealed their preference until the "other three" had voiced theirs. What would have been the problem to have just done so from the outset? Why did they need to know the others' preferences first?

(Maybe one of them will respond here and tell us??)

Yes, I saw the meeting yesterday.

Just the facts mam said...

Michaud is a narcissist. He is in love with himself. Wants total control of the SB members. Like the captain of a sailing ship, once at sea he is in total control, of the ship named Dartmouth, and all those on board shall submit to his rules of reason.
At the Monday night meeting, Michaud tells his board members we don't have a need to rush into making the appointment tonight. We should discuss and decide at a later date. Four of the board members chose Cressman, Michaud wanted the candidate that he could control, from Dover N.H. This guy was so laid back I'm not going negative. It was obvious to me, so let the dog sleep.
What I witnessed last night was this....Mike Watson jumped into the fray and took control. Thank you Mr. Watson, I knew you could do it. Soft spoken Bill Trimble made is comments quietly and meaningful. Lara Stone came across as the person who did her home work. I enjoyed listening to her articulate, and the wonderful facial expressions. She is a positive addition to the SB. Composure and great instincts, a woman and a child, is a wonderful sight. Common sense is worth more then a PhD.
“I don't like any one of the candidates,” said Nat. You go girl. I may not have agreed with you, but I respect your truthfulness. I'm happy you settled with Cressman.
To all SB members, I enjoyed your deliberations and the respect shown to those who differed. This is truly democracy at work. Thank you....

August 11, 2009 10:15 AM

Anonymous said...

Watson is a true politician. You can't trust anything about him. What was with all the drama??? I know who I want but I'm not telling. Be a man and take a stand Mr. Watson. You say you are for wind turbines but the minute those two women came before the board opposing to them, you were telling them you agree with them. Which is it Mike? Playing both sides of the fence will catch up with you. Have some respect for yourself and take a stand.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 6:34- Someone must go first and someone must go last.. If you are trying to uncover something because Watson wanted to wait to hear other members reactions before voicing his and carrying towards a are really reaching at straws to get this guy. I' sorry. I don't see it. He is a classy, refreshing politician who I enjoy watching.

Anonymous said...

There is nothing classy about trying to be everything to everybody. It doesn't work and people become weary of it. I didn't think anyone could be worse than Lara Stone but I was wrong. At least Ms. Stone stated what she thought when asked as did Mr. Trimble and Mr. Michaud. You're right, someone has to go first and someone has to go last but Mr. Watson chose to pass when it was his turn. I'm sorry but it is very childish to say I know but I'm not telling. What are we playing? I've got a secret??? I have been watching since the election and it would seem to me that if someone said it was raining, Mr. Watson would agree. At the same time someone else could say it was sunny and Mr. Watson would also agree.
Mr. Watson will continue to throw around "fiscal responsibility" but I guarantee when it comes down to making the decisions, he will not be voting for the fiscally responsible choice. His campaign was a bunch of rhetoric to get elected. Very sad and very disappointing.

Anonymous said...

I give up trying to explain to you. You are obviously already determined in your view. My guess is you voted for Gracie and are looking for a way to "smear" a candidate who crossed divide in this community and continually impresses the majority. I guess he'll never get your vote. No loss given that he never had it.

Anonymous said...

I'm not seeing anyone here trying to "smear" anyone. The fact is, that some posters here are expressing their opinion; I am one of them. Anonymous 4:47 said it all and said it for me, as well: what Mr. Watson did was "childish," and Mrs. Dias was his playmate and went right along with him. Both could and should have just came out and stated their choice. Really, what would have been the difficulty in doing that?

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I meant 4:57.

Anonymous said...

I'll chime in here. I thought the process was handled well. The current board interact well together and demonstrated a thoughtful process in selecting our new administrator. I trust their judgement. Thanks to all!!

Anonymous said...

From what I've heard from people outside of town who know him, Cressman is a good choice. Good work, Select Board.