Monday, August 10, 2009

You can't make this stuff up!

Here is a report in Steve Benen's Atlantic Monthly blog that anti-health care reform protester, Kenneth Gladney, wants donations to pay for his medical bills claiming to have been injured at a town hall rally. It seems Mr. Gladney is laid off from work and has no health insurance.
No word on whether Mr. Gladney understands ...

... anything at all about the reform he went to protest. He could find out what health care reform is and is not at this White House website, Health Insurance Reform Reality Check You can as well.


Anonymous said...

Gee Bill,

One anecdotal datum. Now that is good reason to turn over the nation to socialized medicine like the catastrophe that has shortened life expectancy in the UK.

Anonymous said...

Bill, why don't you write about what Pelosi said about the protesters today in USA today? She called them unAmerican! Sounds like sour grapes to me.

Anonymous said...

Yea, Pelosi said there unamerican and Obama has death panels. Freakin liars! Just cause Rush says it doesn't make it true. Here's a news flash, Rush is an entertainer! Get serious, people

Anonymous said...

From what I hear the protesters are chanting and not allowing a debate. That goes against our american principles. Our officials are letting us be more involved in the process by holding these meetings instead of just holding a vote. I am guessing we will have less opportunity for input next time if this behavior continues.

Ray Medeiros,Jr said...

Pelosi did NOT call the people un-American..(that is what the conservative open line and FOX NEWS tells you she said) she said that what they are DOING is un American.

Anonymous said...

Socialism is unAmerican. This bill has many things in it that are unAmerican. (ie. bank account access by the Govt.) Pelosi and the Dems are pushing this thru just like the bailout, push push push... the name calling is so childish, yet it's more and more prevalent... the false sense of democracy with these dog and pony show town hall meetings is just a complete joke. We have Arlen Spector switching parties to insure he stays in office, talk about morals, another joke. Who runs this country? What happened to open fair debate? What happened to 'for the people, by the people'? Why did the bailout get passed when it was majorly opposed by the people? Why will this bill pass no matter opposition? There is no longer a democracy in this country and honest true debate appears dead to me.
Have faith and let's just HOPE it works.

Ray Medeiros,Jr said...

The venue for Congressman Frank's meeting has been changed due to a larger than expected interest(which is great). We hace move the location to the Dartmouth Coucil on Aging. the Time and Date are the same Aug 18th at 6:30pm. thank you all and sorry for any inconvience.

nohope4future said...

Uh oh Bill, before you run back to atlantic monthly and use your MSNBC talking points, a little research by your famed blogger there would reveal that Mr. gladney actually does have insurance, through his wife's insurance. And while you "can't make this stuff up" how about the fact that a black man was beaten up by union thugs (actual astroturf) and put in the ER from the attack. I guess in this case its OK because he is on the other side. Where's Prof. Gates when you need him. I guess the union thugs didn't act stupidly.

Brian said...

You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich.
You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong.
You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift.
You cannot lift the wage earner up by pulling the wage payer down.
You cannot further the brotherhood of man by inciting class hatred.
You cannot build character and courage by taking away people's initiative and independence.
You cannot help people permanently by doing for them, what they could and should do for themselves.
Obarma will tax the rich to pay for health care.
Obarma will tax the rich to pay for the health bill.

August 14, 2009 12:28 PM

WWJD said...

On the last day, Jesus will say to those on His right hand, "Come, enter the Kingdom. For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was sick and you visited me." Then Jesus will turn to those on His left hand and say, "Depart from me because I was hungry and you did not feed me, I was thirsty and you did not give me to drink, I was sick and you did not visit me." These will ask Him, "When did we see You hungry, or thirsty or sick and did not come to Your help?" And Jesus will answer them, "Whatever you neglected to do unto one of these least of these, you neglected to do unto Me!"

Anonymous said...

Jesus will also say to everyone on his right hand, "One exception, if you supported killing a life before it had a chance to begin,then return and make a mends for everyone of them"