Thursday, August 20, 2009

A good explanation of the public option

Charley on the MTA over at Blue Mass Group has an excellent exposition of what the public option is and what it means to health care reform. Go and read it here
At the Booman Tribune, Booman posts this,

While doctors, nurses, specialists, and hospitals need to make a profit and earn good incomes, it isn't clear to me why private insurance companies need to be involved in the provision of health care. All they do is increase the cost of obtaining treatment without adding anything of value to the patient. It is transparently in the national interest to provide health care to as many citizens as possible at the lowest possible cost.

Booman goes on to say,
Protecting the private health care insurers makes no sense for anyone but the private health care insurers, their stockholders, and their employees.

Do you agree?


Anonymous said...

Bill, can you keep us updated on the Save the Pasky committee. I just watched the rerun of monday's Select Board meeting and Mr Whitehead seemed very knowledgable and caring about the river. I am glad he is taking over for Bob Carney. I can also relate to his frustrations in dealing with Mike O'Reilly, our conservation agent.

Anonymous said...

Gary Whitehead is one of the "real" people in Dartmouth. We need more people like him hanging around town hall.

Anonymous said...

You are right! It's all about money. Those who have it and want to keep it as they control the rest of us. We need health care reform! It's too bad we didn't get to talk with Barney Frank when he was here. The town hall crashers were here and ruined it for us with their yelling and booing.

Anonymous said...

Wow, another person complaining about the conservation agent. I'm sure there are those that think this guy is just great and that it's the rest of the world that's wrong. If I had it as good as this character, I wouldn't be pissing so many people off and drawing so much negative attention to myself, especially since his position is unnecessary.

Anonymous said...

Keep on telling it like it is Mr Whitehead!!!

Anonymous said...

If anyone is looking for an example on how to organize and lead something, look to mr. Mederios, he single handedly organized every aspect of that meeting, from coordinating press to international news stations and made Dartmouth the political center of American politics and policy. He literally organized the largest event in Dartmouth history.

Candy man said...

Most people, if not all, who have health insurance have no idea why the feds are getting involved with a government run, health program. Because of so much mistrust with the federal government, ( elected congressmen) concerning Fanny Mae and Freddy Mack, the stimulus package, government offering money for clunkers, bailing out the auto industry and on, and on, and on. How can we blame the people for not trusting the call for public health insurance, for all people. Oops, public option included. can say what ever you like about this post, but the final analyst is trusting/believing Your congressmen, or too many, are found to be lier's, cheats, take money and stuff it into a fridge, are given special treatments from lobbyist and so on. I can't speak for every state, but I don't like what I see coming. People through-out some states, are loading/stocking up with ammo. While visiting in Florida this past winter, I read several articles that ammo is almost impossible to find. Not because of the restrictions, but because so many people are buying the stuff. The dealers can't keep ammo and guns on the shelves. It's the same way in the state of Maine. They have a waiting list for people who want to purchase ammo, buy certain weapons, not because of some stupid state laws, the dealers can't get the ammo and guns in quick enough to sell. and so on, and so on. FOLKS, I'm not overstating a fact, this is the truth. Some people/ maybe most, believe that the government is running into socialism or some other form of government. You mention big money people. Let me tell you about the big money people. Most if not all major networks are owned/controlled by big money people. The cable media have already chosen their horse, and it's not the poor people. 95% of the so called rich people, those making over 250,000 thousand dollars a year, are paying 50% of our federal tax. People making less then 40,000 thousand dollars are not paying federal tax, who do you think is paying the other 50% in federal tax. I'll give you a hint, they are the ones who are buying up all the ammo and guns. THE MIDDLE CLASS. This whole government process is nothing more then a runaway spending train with no end in sight. PEOPLE ARE FED UP WITH PEOPLE LIKE BARNEY FRANK and other elected congressmen. Do you really want to know why??? WHO IN HELL IS GOING TO PAY FOR ALL THIS SPENDING????? My grandchildren and yours.... Perez Obarma is your CANDY MAN. Let's all sing together.....”the candy man can”, why?? because he is taking us to the land of honey. WAIT ONE SECOND, why is it, I don't see the MIDDLE CLASS people singing??? Now, all together, “Who's your CANDY MAN?”

Anonymous said...

people were saying this in 1930s when soc sec and unemployment were enacted, but look at how many of those who complain about this bill collcted at some point an unemployment check or are on medicare. I would have to say a healthy majority.

Anonymous said... a distraction, used to distract from the facts....socialism, death panels,and on and on go the etremists.

Ray Medeiros,Jr said...

Republicans have multiple healthcare reform bills, both parties agree this industry needs reform. Where were these bills 6 years ago when the GOP had the power to pass these reforms, why are they brainstorming now? It seems to me they are just competing with the Democrats. I will tell you, if John McCain won or the Democrats didn't offer health care reform, the GOP would not initiate took the Democratic Party to initiate the reform. NOW let's work together towards the common good of the people.

Anonymous said...

Ray, in your estimation, if you know or can judge, could you tell us how many of the attendees that caused the disturbance at the COA with Mr. Frank were residents of Dartmouth, and how many were out-of-towners or Larouche supporters?

There's a big difference in stating that the "community," AKA Dartmouth, was "disrespectful" to Mr. Frank, if, indeed, it was the action of the Larouche group that, at least, precipitated the disturbance. Quite possibly Dartmouth residents did get on the bandwagon, spurred on and incited by these individuals, which is precisely what they intended happen, I'm sure.

At any rate, our "community" is being maligned if it is implied, as it is, that Dartmouth residents are at fault for the happenings at the COA when Mr. Frnak visited. To hold the town of Dartmouth responsible is ludicrous and incorrect. And, it has made the news and put our town in a bad light (as if we need more of that as it is.)

No one disputes their right to freedom of speech, but what about the right of those attending the meeting who were there to question, learn, and become educated and informed to be present at an assembly without the disturbance of their peace, which is clearly what this group did? Freedom of speech for them should not go hand-in-hand with disturbing the peace; yet that is precisely what happened and the group certainly got its attention; Dartmouth got negative publicity; and the verdict may still be out on how effective the meeting with Mr. Frank was in terms of educating and informing the well-meaning, civil, respectful attendees.

I'd be interested in hearing how much information those that did attend that meeting did actually receive and their opinion of the effectiveness of the meeting, given the attendance of the disruptive Larouche group.

Anonymous said...

Should add, no reflection on you, Ray.

Anonymous said...

Why is our ConCom Agent giving the Save the Pasky Committee a hard time? He is supposed to be our "conservation" agent. Doesn't he realize that the Pasky is what feeds the bulk of our town water supply?

Anonymous said...

Ray, who writes your scripts for you? Going over the numerous posts you have entered, one thing has caught my attention. Although I agree with none of them, most are fairly well written arguments containing what appears to be researched information. However, once in awhile a post from you will appear that contains bad spelling and doesn't make much sense. So again I ask, who is coaching you? It is obvious you will be running in the upcoming election and I would like to know who is backing you.

Ray Medeiros,Jr said...

The question of how many at the COA were Dartmouth resisdents will always be a guess. I do know that the few that did make the news were NOT from here,in fact the infamous NAZI woman has a residence in Boston and also one in California. Many people that were there were from out of town, Newton was represented and so was Fall River and Rhode Island. There was alot of passion in the room, which is to be expected but i do believe there were some that wanted to stir the pot and create anxiety rather than add to civil conversation. If I did have to guess Dartmouth was under represented.

Anonymous said...

Ray couldn't get elected to the Park Board.

Anonymous said...

What is your problem with Ray? He seems like he does his research, he is very passionate and dedicated to his position in the Democratic Party. He stands by what he believes in. I hope he does run for an office in town, he is dedicated to public services. He was thrusted into the national spotlight and he organized the largest media event Dartmouth has ever seen. Regardless if I agree with him or not at least I know he won't put FLUFF on his positions to win votes and he wont flip flop on issues like your typical politician.

Anonymous said...

I'm backing him all the way for SB!! GO RAY!! Besides you don't have to worry about Michaud running after he gets fined for breaking M.G.L. section 268 section 17c... (c) No municipal employee shall, otherwise than in the proper discharge of his official duties, act as agent or attorney for anyone other than the city or town or municipal agency in prosecuting any claim against the same city or town, or as agent or attorney for anyone in connection with any particular matter in which the same city or town is a party or has a direct and substantial interest. The past shall comeback to haunt HIM!! Let's also not forget all the Open Meeting Violations he has committed. Put a fork in him Johhny he's toast!!
Also Ray don't take anything 5:01pm has to say seriously they are the ones being coached,coaxed, manipultated anyway you want to say it. They are tools and afraid of anyone who shows any signs of having brain capacity beyong their own. Stick to your guns, Ray. They are pretty weak in here that's why they think your coached.

Ray Medeiros,Jr said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ray Medeiros,Jr said...

The Senator will host a town hall forum on Wednesday, September 2nd, in Somerville. While the forum is open and not exclusively focused on health care reform, as the dominant political issue of the day we expect it to be a major point of discussion. (from Blue Mass Group)

Ray Medeiros,Jr said...

This is a quote from Thomas Jefferson and a quote ALL political leaders need to remember and practice..."I love to see honest and honorable men at the helm,men who will not bend their politics to their purses,nor pursue measures by which they may profit,and then profit by their measures."

Anonymous said...

Ray, you are all about unions, therefore you don't fall into the above category. You constantly persue measures by which you profit. Putting yourself in the category of Jefferson is ridiculous. You think way too highly of yourself.

Anonymous said...

See what i mean Ray, 10:03pm exemplifies what i mean by wealk in here. As a Union Member you enjoy a better benefits package than most people in the private sector could ever dream of, and yet 10:03pm in their infinite wisdom accuses you of being led by your wallet. If they had put some thought into it they would realize that people who currently have excellent health care like yourself, only wants everyone else in the country to enjoy the same security as that you have. Also you are willing to pay a little more in taxes to afford everyone else the same security that you currently enjoy. Whenever someone attacks a Union Member it comes from a position of jealousy. Plain and simple, again i state "they are weak in here"

Yard Bird said...

There's that arrogance again. Ray doesn't listen to people. He just calls them weak and jealous if they disagree with him on anything. Let's face it Ray, unions only account for 13% of the working people and a great deal of those are government workers. The other 87% of the people don't want to pay higher taxes in order to pay for things like archaic defined benefit pensions. This is what Ray is really all about, higher tax burdens on the many to benefit the few. That's not exactly Jeffersonian.

Anonymous said...

It's too general a statement to say that everyone's opinion is motivated by jealousy. Are you jealous of the health care package given to the president, congress, and federal employees? Would you like that plan for yourself? If you answer "yes," can we assume you are jealous?

There is also a factor called "greed." It's not necessarily the backbone of unions, and it also plays a role in nonunion contracts as well. Why did we have those contracts for life, anyway? Have you ever asked yourself that, and wondered what really prompted acceptance of one to begin with? Of course, after the request was made by a town employee for just such a contract, it was not difficult for others to jump on the bandwagon, either, was it?

No, I'm NOT jealous about that. Outraged is more like it.

I'm sure some people will say the past is the past, so forget about it. And we have an excellent opportunity for a new start with Mr. Cressman at the helm of our ship. Thank goodness.

But, Dartmouth better not forget. We (hopefully) have learned from the contract debacle, and hopefully for the long-term.

Anonymous said...

Our officials and leaders should not be in governing positions if lifetime contracts that hurt the town is their philosophy.

Ray Medeiros,Jr said...

if you contrast the median income of the middle class you'll notice that as union membership contracted the wages of the middle class has become stagnant. This is a parralell that people seems to over look. I don't have a problem with the non-union as long as they pay a fair wage to their employees. Non-union used to compete with unions in the wage market, they kept their wages of the employee up to keep the unions out. I don't have a problem with that(IE Acushnet Co. and Quaker Fabric) these companies had high wages and were non union. When union were strong EVERYBODY benefitted because everyone could earn a living wage. I am all about the middle class American, the back bone of this country. What happened to the days when only ONE bread winner was needed to support a family. Jefferson was talking about those politicians who use their position to benefit themselves, they get paid off to support causes that benefit only a few elite. I side with the entire middle class, the people in the stores that work for the company. Regardless if you are union or not, I support them. Bring back the middle class. People are work harder and longer for the same pay as 1973 adjusted for inflation while your top executives compensation has increased 500%. The profits of these companies are not going to the workers on the floor as they used to back in the 50s and 60s

Ray Medeiros,Jr said...

my health insurance is paid by multiple companies contributing into one health and welfare fund. This gives my local union bargaining power during negotiations with insurance companies. We have over 850 member in our local,that is alot of potential clients and that also increases our leverage at the bargaining table. Also when a union member is out of work, the health and welfare fund is solvent enough to continue their coverage. This is essentially what a single payer health insurance plan would do.

Ray Medeiros,Jr said...

unions are part of the checks and balances of the private sectors. Just as our Government works on checks and balances, unions check the balance of power of the employer. Run away compensation for executives while they essentially starve their emplyees of a living wage is exactly the example that I am trying to deliver. Back when the middle class was thriving, when executives received high compensation for their work,their employees were also compensated. I say this because neither business or the employee can survive without each other. The worker needs the business for a weekly check,but the business needs the employee to keep up with demand. The balance of power has shifted toward rewarding the business and leaves the employee to fend for themselves....the middle class of America needs representation.

Ray Medeiros,Jr said...

If I move my policies to coddle a few that oppose my view in order to gain their support, I fall into a category of politicians in which I have no respect for. It is this type of politician of which Jefferson speaks in the above quote.

Anonymous said...

The Constitution gives Congress the power “to lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts and excises, to pay the debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States,” thus empowering the federal government to levy taxes and leverage these revenues to benefit the American people....isn't healthcare good for the general welfare or is it a luxury...if it's a luxury maybe retirement is also

Ray Medeiros,Jr said...

There are many opponents of increasing taxes to pay for universal healthcare. My question to those indiviuals is, If you were in favor of the Iraq war and the war in Afghanistan would you be in favor of raising taxes to pay for the those wars. If you are in favor of raising taxes to pay for a war based on lies and misinformation, why aren't you in favor of raising taxes for healthcare that would have a positive effect with treamendous returns. If you are not in favor of raising taxes for the war, how do you expect to pay for it, in the past every administration since the revolutionary war has raised taxes at least temporarily to pay for war debt.

Yard Bird said...

There goes arrogant Ray again. Talking but never listening. One more time, 87% of the people don't want to pay higher taxes so that 13% can have archaic defined benefit pensions. I will repeat as needed, which for this guy will likely be many, many times.

Ray Medeiros,Jr said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Yard Bird- really? so your against Lara and Ray, hmmm I'm starting to see a connection. soon everyone will know who this "bird" brain is

Anonymous said...

Yard Bird YOUR WRONG!!! 70% of America voted Obama into office, who i would like to remind you RAN on a health care reform and single payer health plan platform. Stop drinking the Geln Beck Kool Aid it makes you look stupid...

Anonymous said...

Just leave the name anonymous...skip Yard Bird... must be the same as Bird Dog.. I can think of a better name :)

Anonymous said...

Everyone I know who gung-ho couldn't say enough about Obama and voted for him isn't even talking about him anymore.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of about that Tom Ridg, the RNC and the Bush Administration manipulating the terrorism warnings of 2004 to scare people into voting for "national security" what a farce that was. Thank you GOP...using fear to gain support, I guess old habits die hard as evident with the current "death panel" accusations against Obama and the healthcare bill