Wednesday, April 15, 2009

House budget available online

The House version of the 2010 state budget is available online at this link. Thanks to Blue Mass Group blog for posting the URL and posting about the budget here. The Governor's budget proposal is taken by the house as House 1 budget and then modified to meet the legislator's priorities. The revised budget is House 2. That is what...

... you will find at the link. The members will have a few weeks to offer and pass amendments to the House 2 budget and then it will be sent to the state Senate. The final budget will be passed by both houses, signed by the governor minus line item vetoes, returned to the General Court for possible veto overrides and is then approved.


Anonymous said...

Just got back from a tea party at the RI Statehouse. There were about two thousand people there for a tax revolt. Very well attended and very well behaved. There were lots and lots of creative signs there about people's frustration with bloated government and excessive taxes.

Anonymous said...

Fun fact: The ship that had its tea dumped into Boston Harbor in 1773 was named the "Dartmouth".

Anonymous said...

with the Obama tax cut...most people that were at the "TEABAGGING" parties were actually bringing home more in the paychecks than under the Bush administration. I don't really understand why those people are protesting taxes under Obama...and didnt TEABAG Bush instead...the average working person is going to be able to have an increase of 600 dollars a year, what are these people complaining about

Anonymous said...

I think people are also upset about rising deficits. There were many young people there who were concerned about what this means for them. Also attending were many families with children holding signs like "keep your hands off my piggy bank" and "Dude, where's my country?"

There were four state legislators that showed up to sign on. I believe that two were democrat and two were republican. Much of the public discourse was directed to the legislators in general and was expressed best by one sign that read "You work for us, therefore you're fired."

Anonymous said...

I am only 15 years old and I owe $36,000.

Anonymous said...

What is up with dumping tea off a boat? Tea has value, dump the politicians.

Anonymous said...

US Constitution----30 pages

US Tax Code----6,000 pages

No wonder the head of the IRS couldn't file his own taxes properly

Anonymous said...

I owe WHAT?????

Anonymous said...

I agree. The property tax reliance has gotten out of control. Next up Nat and Joe must go.

Anonymous said...

Someone needs to tell them at the state house that they have run out of "our" money.

Anonymous said...

i didnt say they were protesting Obama, they were protesting taxes under his administration...i just think it was ill-timed...i dont have a problem with protesting taxes...just get the timing right...under obama people making under 250,000 get 800 dollars back of their money.

Anonymous said...

I am in total agreement that the protest should have happened sooner, regardless of the administration. However, spending is still out of control and so are taxes. Better late than never. By the way, my personal opinion is that this new administration, while giving us a temporary tax break, is spending our grandchildren into deficit slavery. I am pulling for this new administration but I doubt much will change for working folks like me. If the republicans aren't robbing me to give to the rich, the democrats are robbing me to give to the rich and the poor.

Anonymous said...

Interesting that the Repuglicans are suddenly concerned about deficits. St. Reagan inherited a 500 billion dollar debt from Carter and ballooned it to 4 trillion. The latest Bush got a budget with a surplus and had huge deficit spending for the next 8 years. Now Obama wants to spend to keep us working and avoid depression and it's the end of the world. Repuglicans did the same thing in 1929 and sent us into the Great Depression. Roosevelt's works programs and WWII, both with huge deficit spending, were needed to recover from that. Get a clue! National health care will make us competitive in the world markets. Energy independence is a national security issue. We can't continue to depend on the Saudis. Education will mean more and better jobs.

Anonymous said...

I agree with national health care and energy independence and like I said, voted for Obama. It's just that when it comes to taxes I feel like a ship passing the coast of Somalia. I agree with republicans when they say that people would like to be left alone. Leave me alone, leave me alone, leave me alone. Phylosophically, I can agree with certain things from both parties and believe most people are the same. Neither party executes their platform very well and it's always folks like me that pay, pay, pay. A tax revolt is most definitely in order.

Anonymous said...

republicans call the Democrats TAX and SPEND liberals....Well I have a name for those republicans...while they cut our taxes...they borrow from the Chinese and anyone else...i have a choice and i pick taxes over borrowing least the chinese cant hold our taxes over our heads...but they sure can hold the debt. my question is which is and spend or borrow and spend..

Anonymous said...

How 'bout neither tax and spend nor borrow and spend. I prefer doing less taxing, less borrowing and less spending. I do believe in education but I don't believe in caving in to the every whim of the teachers' union.

Anonymous said...

Born free, taxed to death!

Anonymous said...

Ray Medeiros__I agree, we shouldn't have excessive taxes and also we shouldn't reduce taxes just to get votes and end up borrowing from the chinese. If we ran our government like we run our household budgets we would be in alot better shape. I was against the "tea" party demonstration because the majority were also protests against Obama, maybe not up here in the north but if you go to the mid west and south it had more of that feel. I agree 100% that expenses should not exceed our revenue,especially at the state and local level where the effects of bad decisions can be felt faster and harder on the general public