Saturday, April 11, 2009

Public Hearing on Reed Road 40R project

There will be a public hearing on Monday, April 13th at 6:30PM at the Select Board meeting for the proposed amendment to the Lincoln Park Smart Growth Overlay District(LPSGOD).You can find the zoning bylaw for LPSGOD here(MS Word format). The amendment would add land at 449 Reed Road. The land in question is 1.4 acres identified as Map 48,lot 11 and 36+ acres identified as Map 52, lot 8 on the Assessor's records. If you wish to speak in favor or in opposition of the development please attend this hearing. You will be allowed to speak.
This project is proposed ...

...under Mass General Law, Chapter 40R I have quite a few questions about this project. The first is whether or not amendment of the LPSGOD requires Town Meeting approval. I also think it requires application to and approval by the state Department of Housing and Community Development as well as the LPSGOD Plan Approval Authority. I hope to get these and other questions answwered Monday at the hearing


Anonymous said...

How 'bout NOOOO!!!! We are already stuck with a $300 bill because of this so called smart growth district. The state gave us money based on developers promises. We spent it. Now we'll have to give it back because they didn't fulfill their promises. This is the result of a previous select board member taking care of her buddies.

Anonymous said...

That's $300,000.

Anonymous said...

Oh, even better!!

I only partially understand the project. Can someone explain what's in it for Dartmouth and the pros and cons of it, please?

Is it open to all residents of Dartmouth, or strictly limited to those living there? Can anyone not living there shop or do business there, for instance?

Whose initial idea was this, for use of this land?

Why couldn't it have been developed as a recreational area for all of Dartmouth and environs to use? It could even have been made into a family tourist attraction, just as Lincoln Park was, or even affordable housing strictly for seniors or veterans.

What a shame to add more development to the town. Who benefits?

I could be mistaken, but the view I got was that it was a community unto itself, with little or no regulation from or accountability to Dartmouth.

How much money will it bring to Dartmouth?

Anonymous said...

I forgot to ask: can more of these smart growth projects spring up elsewhere in town, as well?

Anonymous said...

Prediction: The first thing Stone and Michaud are going to do is tamper with the selection process for EA. Word is that somebody already got to the company hired to recruit the candidates.

Anonymous said...

If that is true,and I have also heard it, why won't someone who knows it, bring it out for the public's knowledge rather than letting it just be something we've all heard, but can't substantiate?

Will it take another how many years before the public knows, just as with how Gagne was picked, or about the secret contract negotiations? This is how everything just gets shoved under the rug. No one calls anyone on this. I know someone who would: Diane, but the voters decided she shouldn't be working for us any more. Too bad for us. What a shame if it all turns out like the above poster says? Who will we blame then?

Is it just not possible for someone who is involved in this to actually come out and ask or speak up about it? If this is true, it is certainly not right. What happened to transparency? What happened to doing what is right for the residents?

What is the purpose of having committees, etc., if they are not allowed to do their work, or are not listened to or respected? What a sham.

We should all be incensed.

Anonymous said...

Does anybody know if the builder of this proposed 40R ever fixed all the problems of his last endeavor in NB?

Anonymous said...

NB?? How bout did the developer fix the problems of his last endeavor in DARTMOUTH on Hixville Road. What a mess that has been for anyone who had to drive it!!!

Anonymous said...

Don't worry folks. All of the old guard are at the meeting tonight and they're looking real happy. We can safely continue on the road to becoming an apartment filled bona fide city.

Anonymous said...

Let me get this straight. The appointed overlay district committee becomes the permitting authority for the developers, thereby omitting the need for all the other boards that the common folk have to go through. Oh, and don't worry about paying back the $350k for the unfullfilled promises of Horan-McLean's buddies. All we have to do is allow another 160 apartments from these guys, maybe. That is if they start within a year.

Thank God for people like Bob Michaud who spoke against it.

We're so lucky though, they created sub-zones that limit this development to 160 units, for now anyway.

Joe Michaud is speaking and it is crystal clear that he is in the developer's pocket. Don't worry though, it has to go through town meeting and they never rubber stamp anything, or do they?

Chuck Michaud just spoke. He is Bob's son and he is a chip off the old block. Welcome aboard Chuck. I say aboard because by the time this district is done, your house will be floating down Reed rd.

Bill T is speaking now. Bill, you are about to get outvoted four to one. Get used to it.

Hearing is closed. Lara is on a first name basis with the developer's frontman. She calls him Adam. McLean is smiling.

Tougas wants to add the expense of a special town meeting. What's wrong with the fall town meeting if they don't have their act together yet?

Adam is holding the $350k over our head right now in an effort to rush this through. Why don't McLean's buddies just pay it? They are the ones who are breaking their promises. McLean wants to push it through also.

I told you Bill would get outvoted 4-1.

Anonymous said...

Who cares about this development? It is in North Dartmouth and everyone knows that they don't vote. Shove it down their throats. They'll piss and moan a little but in the end Padanaram will run the town, just like the last 300 years.

Anonymous said...

Dartmouth should postpone this project! Traffic, more congestion on Rt.6, more children in the schools, who is going to buy/rent these places? Especially the way the economy is right now. Let's wait on this one! We don't need to get involved in this project now! This could be a nightmare for our town. The special planning board didn't even have time to look at this package. We don't need to rush a 40R project through, it's NOT SMART FOLKS!

Anonymous said...

When I heard Bob Michaud speak out against this project, I knew it must be pretty bad! He is usually for development.This project should be in New Bedford where they already have all the services they need. This is stupid growth! It's just to make a few people rich and Dartmouth pays in the end!

Anonymous said...

Aw come on. Lara likes it so it must be nice.

Anonymous said...

Happy days are here again. Where everyone in town hall is a friend. Yes happy days are here again.

Bill Trimble said...

There are several problems with this project as a 40R project. The first is that is does not meet the density requirements. In order to show the required density of 20 units per acre for most of the townhouse units, the "zone" is the size of the building foundation. This is 162 units on 40 plus acres. A true look at the project is that the density is 4 per acre, not 20. The purpose of a smart growth district is to encourage development were infrastructure already exists. That is not the case for this project. The infrastructure of roads, sidewalks, etc. would have to be built to support the project. this is the definition from the MGL 40R section 2 “Eligible locations”, (1) areas near transit stations, including rapid transit, commuter rail and bus and ferry terminals; (2) areas of concentrated development, including town and city centers, other existing commercial districts in cities and towns, and existing rural village districts; or (3) areas that by virtue of their infrastructure, transportation access, existing underutilized facilities, and/or location make highly suitable locations for residential or mixed use smart growth zoning districts.
I contend that the Reed Road location meets none of those criteria.

Anonymous said...

I don't know much about how it came about, but it sounds like they are trying to slide it in with/under the LPSGOD.

Am I mistaken, but wasn't last night the first time the SB and KHM's group for the LPSGOD saw the plans that were brought forth? And then the SB got the pitch about how it needed to be "rushed" through so it could get in under the three years' limit, which has a year to go, along with needing TM approval?

If TM DID give its approval, does that mean it's a done deal? Was it Lara or Bill that asked if the SB gave its okay to go forward last night, could the SB rescind its approval at a later time? The SB couldn't rescind its approval after TM gave it, could it?

Bill, if you have time, could you help me understand? Thanks!