Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Bob Miller joins the race

According to this Standard Times article and these Curt Brown blog entries here and here, both Lara Stone and Bob Miller intend to run against Diane Gilbert for Select Board in April. What are your thoughts on this development? Once again, I will ask that ...

...you be specific in your comments. Calling names or spreading innuendo are not productive and don't change any minds. Tell us why you think the candidate you like is best(what qualifications or ideas of theirs that you like), or specifically what it is that a candidate has done that influences your decision not to vote for them.


Anonymous said...

No need for any comments on this post. Put a fork in him, he's done!

Anonymous said...

Lara Stone is running for the Select Board because she doesn't want to cut spending and services. After all, our taxes are quite low. She wants to use Prop 2-1/2 overrides to get more funding for the school department.

Anonymous said...

Bob Miller served the town for 21 years. Like him or not.Thanks for your service, Bob!
I think it's time to step aside for good, Bob. Give some other people a chance. If we get a new form of government in Dartmouth, Bob might want to run for mayor. Perhaps term limits are in order!
Sorry, but I agree with 11:29, he's done.

Anonymous said...

ABG... EB!

Anybody But Gilbert... Even Bob!

Anonymous said...

Lara Stone thinks your taxes are too low. Why not pay $20, $40, or $60 a week more? Your taxes will still be low. Wouldn't you feel better if you just paid $1000, $2000 or $3000 more in taxes. It will hold the town over for a couple of years before they will need more than the normal tax 2.5% increase.

Anonymous said...

ABG all the way

Anonymous said...

Come on, you cheapskates, Lara only wants $6 a day in higher taxes. You spend that in Dunkin Donuts. Only $6 a day more on top of the 2 and a half percent you are gonna get anyway.

Anonymous said...

Bob Miller, what is it about (No) that you don't understand? The voters have spoken, by voting you out of office, don't make a fool of yourself. As a selectman, you were known as a flip flopper, you were against it, before you voted for it. This election is all about CONTRACTS.
This issue, shall carry you to another defeat. Go back to where you come from, the political cemetery, and stay there. As a town Polly, the signing of not in the best interest of the town CONTRACTS, you've dug yourself a deep hole that even the best of us will never be resurrected. Who do you think you are? Do you believe the town wants you back? What about the CONTRACTS?

Anonymous said...

don't assume people can spend 6 bucks a day at dunkin or sunrise. the schools could use some additional funding after the leaders in place use the millions they have better, starting with a focus on academics.

Anonymous said...

NOOO not the coffee cost comparisons like during the overrrrrride campaign grrrrrrrrr

Anonymous said...

NOOO not the coffee cost comparisons like during the overrrrrride campaign grrrrrrrrr

Anonymous said...

As for Miller, don't allow the fox back into the chicken coop. My friends and I are lined up with boxes of political ammo, just waiting for Miller. It's almost Miller time. By the time our town voters find out about your group of seven, Miller will be lucky to get elected as a town meeting member. My advise, if you don't flip flop is this. Lose 50 pounds, get those bangs cut and change your name to Bob Cootie. Your campaign motto must be “ handy man.” I haven't seen a leak I can't fix. No job too small or too big. Just ask Ms. Gilbert, “yes we can.”

Anonymous said...

Since Lara Stone entered the race I haven't seen one comment in favor of Miller anywhere. I know most people who were posting "vote for miller" before were doing so because they don't like Diane. I guess Miller has no support at all now. The contract issue is a little tough to get around.

Anonymous said...

Bob Miller was on the board for 21 YEARS. It's over, Bob. When Diane got on the board she found out all about your little secrets. Big contracts for all town employees! Who cares about the 30,000 plus residents. Miller takes care of his 7 buddies at town hall.CONTRACTS#!?#!

Anonymous said...

Dartmouth can't go back. Sorry Bob. I'm willing to give Diane Gilbert another term to finish her work. Diane is smart and independent. Diane knows town government. She is not a puppet for anyone!
I look forward to seeing Ms.Gilbert on the board for three more years!

Anonymous said...

My vote will go to Diane Gilbert because she is a proven ndependent and does not belong to any particular interest group.
Lara Stone is a big school supporter and I wonder if her talents might be better served were she to run for School Committee.
I think Bob Miller had his run and we are dealing with some of his (perhaps) well-intentioned decisions, those ridiculous contracts being one bad decision.

Anonymous said...

The S-Times didn't even mention Bob Miller's name in their opinion article in todays paper. Talked about a 3-way race and only mentioned Diane and Lara.

Anonymous said...

Who are they kidding! The ST didn't mention Frank Gracie either. The only race they are interested in is Lara Stone's. They claim they will be endorsing candidates. Can anyone guess who that will be? Being the only local newspaper in town (chronicle is owned by the ST) shouldn't they try to remain neutral instead of trying once again to influence voters?

Anonymous said...

The teachers' union has the S-T in their pocket. If any candidate is more likely than their opponent to want to increase taxes for the purpose of increasing school funding, they will receive the S-T endorsement. The S-T will undoubtedly back Stone for this reason. I can't wait to see how they can possibly spin it enough to come up with a reason to back Carney over Gracie. They may have to remain neutral in that race.

Anonymous said...

"Come on, you cheapskates, Lara only wants $6 a day in higher taxes. You spend that in Dunkin Donuts. Only $6 a day more on top of the 2 and a half percent you are gonna get anyway."

Six dollars a day is a hefty sum for some people - not everyone in Dartmouth has the sort of money Lara Stone has.

I'd have to support Diane Gilbert - she's proven she has what it takes to actually serve capably.