Thursday, January 8, 2009

Judgment sought on Executive Administrator contract

In this morning's Standard Times, Curt Brown has an article about a suit for declaratory judgment filed in Bristol County Superior Court on the validity of the Executive Administrator's contract. The text of the complaint can be found here.
The four count complaint alleges that the contract is invalid because ... is in conflict with the terms of Chapter 358 of the Acts of 1992 of the General Court which established the position of the Dartmouth Executive Administrator, is in conflict with M.G.L. Chapter 41, Section 108N, is in violation of Section 4.4 of the Town Charter(MS Word file), and was executed in violation of the Open Meeting Law Civil Chapter 39, Section 23B. Session laws of the General Court are not available before 1997 so I could not provide a link here.
The Select Board is trying to resolve this issue once and for all by asking for this judgment. What do you think?


Anonymous said...

We need answers. There are still so many questions that need to be answered regarding these contracts. Not just the Gagne contract. What were they thinking!! This was suppose to be a big secret! No vote at an open meeting, personnel board was not involved,neither Atty. Hannon or Atty. Savastano knew about the letter from Atty. Bartulis.
Who were the two unnamed select board members? Where are the executive minutes? Dartmouth deserves answers! I'm glad we will have a judgment, but still more question need to be answered.

Anonymous said...

I am still shocked that our Executive Admin. would be a part of this contract fiasco. Even after he knew it was not in the best interest of the town. I don't feel the same way about Michael Gagne after this information has come to light. I no longer trust Mr. Gagne and I am glad that we will have a new Executive Admin.
Also, glad that the select board is approving minutes of all meetings in a reasonable time. Record keeping is the most important part of Mr. Gagne's duties in serving the town. In my opinion, he has failed at this.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Gagne should have quit while he was ahead. Now he will end up leaving his position in disgrace. It was perfectly clear what Mr. Michaud had asked him for and now he's pretending he didn't understand. Trying to protect himself and the other SB members responsible for this mess is going to put an end to any dignity or respect he may have had. You had a good run Mr. Gagne. You should have gone away quietly.

Anonymous said...

Forgot, one more comment. Dias and Carney should take the same advice and resign before they get dragged through the mud for signing those contracts when they knew how bad they were. I don't think they have enough sense either.

Anonymous said...

Dartmouth deserves answers! Where are the minutes? It's been 3 plus years since we have seen any exec session minutes.
Thank you Diane for leaking this and asking questions at public meetings or we might not know anything about these contract clauses.
What else are they hiding???

Anonymous said...

Whaaahhahhahahhhahhahah what else are they hiding??!?!?!? We'll get to the bottom of the dirty little secret about how this town has survived so well for so long for so little. We want to know who is responsible!!!!

Anonymous said...

I am waiting to find out... the rest of the story.
I can't believe how Michael pretends to be so trust worthy and then we find out that this contract fiasco was happening behind closed doors.
I no longer trust him and I'm glad he will be gone! Only the group that was connected to the former board wants anything different. That group will except anything, right or wrong as long as they can keep the status quo. Keep the power and control at any cost.