Monday, January 5, 2009

Select Board race news

Curt Brown has an article in today's Standard Times where he says that former Select Board member, Bob Miller, will run against Diane Gilbert for Select Board and a blog post where he says that Frank Gracie or Barry Wlaker may run against Bob Carney. I support Diane in her bid for re-election and ...

... I would support either Gracie or Walker against Mr. Carney.
Ms. Gilbert has been a consistent advocate for open government and change on the Select Board. She has shown a willingness to embrace new ideas and methods to solve our fiscal woes. While I don't agree with Diane on every issue, the split tax rate for example, her leadership has served the town well and I hope that the voters will re-elect her.
Mr. Gracie has served the town on the Budget and Revenue Task Force, the Tax Classification committee, and the Privatization Committee. Frank has a good grasp of the financial situation of the town. I think he would bring an analytical, problem solving approach to the Board.
Mr. Walker has been active in town politics as a citizen and has demonstrated a willingness to shake things up.
Either of these two gentlemen would be a welcome change.
What are your thoughts? I understand that some people will support or oppose every candidate. I hope that you will not only tell us who you support but also, why you support their candidacy. Please tell us what issues are important to you and why you think a particular candidate will serve that agenda. For instance, saying, I hate Trimble because he is ugly and no one likes him, doesn't really advance anyone's understanding of how ugly or unpopular Trimble is. I hope that comments will not only show your support but the reasons behind that support.


Anonymous said...

Mr Walker NO, my opinion is he causes trouble and doesnt bring out constructive discussion. Mr Gracie, worth a look. Mr Miller, NO he has had his chance, Mr. Carney, NO he come across as an obstructionist. Ms Gilbert, NO due to her being dishonest with taxpayers concerning the Akin House.

Anonymous said...

What Mr. Walker has been bringing out is the truth. I remember his presentation about contracts to the SB. They treated him like dirt but a month or two later the newly charged personnel board made a presentation that sounded exactly like the one Mr. Walker presented. The personnel board may have danced around the issues more if they hadn't already been brought to light by Mr. Walker. Thank You Barry.

Anonymous said...

Every one of the people who have been mentioned here are good citizens who love Dartmouth. They may have different ideas about how to solve our problems, but they are all good people. Since Mr. Miller was a board member for 20 years already, I will not vote for him again. Mr. Carney has sat on the board for at least 9 years that I know of. Let some other people serve the town.

Anonymous said...

I've never met Mr. Gracie or Mr. Walker, but as it relates to town issues, I have listened to each speak and have come to the conclusion that both have a knowledge in truth that I haven't heard in a long time. Dartmouth has been served by a few dedicated elected officials, so don't misinterpret what I'm about to say. It's just, well, in the past four decades, I haven't seen the likes of a Mr. Trimble since the departure of Mr. Leonard Rose. Just when I gave up hope, along comes this unknown that has created a flash of hope. You speak your truth quietly and never make comments or facial gestures of unkindness. This is a sign of a person who is comfortable with himself. I've been active in town politics for four decades, hoping that someone would come along and shape this town from it's same Ole...same Ole. The storm of political darkness has allowed a sliver of sun light to peek through from time to time only to be extinguished by the majority. Mr. Trimble has given me the opportunity to re-enter the political scene for no other purpose than that of a spectator. Now, I sit by the side of the road and watch as the old Dartmouth political machine is being taken apart and soon to be delivered to the town landfill.