Saturday, January 3, 2009

Mr. Lynam on recall provision

Mr. Lynam has a op-ed piece in today's Standard-Times about the recall provision to be voted at the Special Towwn Meeting on January 8th.

I agree with him but have proposed the modifications in yesterday's posts so that we can have some discussion of the proposed article which I think is deficient in some respects. Do you agree with Mr. Lynam? Should the town wait before changing our charter to insert a recall provision?


Anonymous said...

Gee, just when I got finished reading all of Bill's 'amendments' Greg weighs in. What's a person to do? I'm so confused.

Anonymous said...

I agree. The charter com. should be formed to change language in 2010 as it states in the charter. Let our atty. examine the new language and do it right! Carney said in his own words that he 'rushed' to do this so he could get to a football game to get signatures. Atty Savastano has concerns regarding this as well.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Lynam, ever consider a job as executive administrator? Seriously.

Anonymous said...

Dartmouth could not afford Mr. Lynam.

Anonymous said...

Its not we cant afford him , we dont want to.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Greg. Always the voice of reason and common sense. Just wish there were more like you running the town.

Anonymous said...

I think we would have to see if Mr. Lynam would want to accept what we could offer. And, not everyone is out for all he or she can get, despite the fact that it hurts someone else. Aren't we currently seeing examples of just that already, simply because some in our Town government felt they deserved or needed it all and more, even if it would cost us legally and financially at some point in time?

Anonymous said...

It would be good if he could get the job. He has credibility, primarily because he actually does things, instead of just talk about doing things like some others.

Anonymous said...

Lot of respect for Mr.Lynam, I agree with the comment that he is a doer not a talker. I especially enjoy reading his comments on the Fincomm meeting minutes. He gets it..

Anonymous said...

One other thing, he is to good of a man for this town. He is able to see all sides an issue, that's not common nor is it allowed around these parts, this town would destroy him. Unfortuantely :(

Anonymous said...

I don't think it would destroy him. He has the strength to stand up for his convictions and fight for what is in the best interest of the community. He thoroughly researches and fact finds before he issues any statements, and he's not afraid to speak up, question, and challenge. We've seen him do that constantly at the FinCom meetings. He will not let anything slide through if he has any say in the matter, and he makes his feelings and opinions known, so there is no doubt whatsoever where he stands on an issue.

And, maybe one of the most important things: he has the respect and trust of the people, both of which he has earned.