Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Select Board meeting Jan 12th

Curt Brown's article in the Standard Times about Monday's Select Board meeting and falling local receipts and potential state aid cuts can be found here
I had committed to posting some of the handouts that we received and I have done so. You can find the FY 09 budget status handout here, the Strategy to Obtain Fiscal Sustainability handout here, and the Issues and Subects that the Select Board should discuss with the Finance Director and Executive Administrator handout here.
As is typical, we were handed these at the meeting...

... which leaves the Select Board unprepared to have any discussion or reach any decision since we have only just received it. Even so, I thought that we had a good start on the issues and I will be better prepared on Thursday at the Finance Committee.
Another item which was passed out was a list of projects that was submitted to the Governor for consideration to be funded with economic stimulus funds. I will post that tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

Actually starting to hear talk of pension reform at the state level. Not Mass. of course but RI and CA. Could it be they are finally waking up. I know they want to hold onto their fat pensions but guess what? They can only squeeze the taxpayers so much. Maybe they are beginning to understand that if there is no money, they won't get their fat salaries either.

Anonymous said...

Are you really proposing to cut all the school crossing guards? Do you really think children can cross Dartmouth Street or Slocum Rd., etc. all by themsleves? Please let's not allow this to happen.