Sunday, January 11, 2009

Music on this blog

Some commenters on this blog have liked the music I post and some haven't. I listen to many genres, rock, pop, jazz, classical, opera, bluegrass, gospel, world music and more. I don't listen to much hip hop or country. I don't know what makes a good song, some I like the lyrics, some the beat, some the melody. What do you think is the difference between a good tune or a bad one? Tell us in comments.
Here is a beautiful song by Alison Krauss, who owns a record 21 Grammy awards

Robert Pirsig explored the question I posed, "What makes something good?" in his book Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance which is not about Zen or motorcycle maintenace but what is "quality" and how do we recognize it. The book may be the top selling philosophy book of all time. I think that Plato and a Platypus Walk into a Bar may eclipse it.


Anonymous said...

A political blog from Dartmouth, Massachusetts. I hope to encourage debate of the issues facing our town on this blog"

It's your blog, which means you can post anything you want to. But, the Dartmouth Hitching Post has taken a strange turn as of late with this steady diet of your band and music preferences. These posts have nothing to do with the issues facing Dartmouth.

I've tried to understand why you've been posting this stuff. It would seem you hope it leaves us thinking better of you in some way. It strikes me as being self-centered and odd.

I couldn't care less about your music preferences, particularly when I come to this forum for the serious and meaningful purpose of reading other's opinions on town affairs. I'd prefer you start another blog for those interested in learning things about you, personally. Your loyalists would likely enjoy that.

But, as I stated, it is your blog, so you can post whatever you want to. I'll just separate the wheat from the chaff.

Anonymous said...

Holy toledo, were you toilet trained at gun point? Talk about anal! Stop reading if you don't like it.

Anonymous said...

I think it's fun to be able to listen to the music once in a while.
It really makes me think about what is REALLY important.
The music makes me smile.

Anonymous said...

anonymous 6:47. Get over yourself! If you don't like it, don't listen to it. I read the newspaper daily. I really don't think Dear Abby is necessary but some people do. I choose not to read it. I don't whine about it.

Anonymous said...

Ahh, I don't mind the music posts much. Puts a human face on things, And the way things are going here in Dartmouth thses days, why not?

Anonymous said...

To the first poster, Should I break out the CFRG forensic postings analysis machine? Nice try C.M.