Saturday, January 17, 2009

School census raises concern

The school population in Dartmouth is changing and that will have an effect on funding. The school census for 2010 is going to reflect about 140 fewer students than the 2009 budget. The school department funding is calculated from the number of students attending. Our average per student spending is about $9300. That means the drop in student population of 140 students translates to reduced funding of $1.3 million.
Adding to the picture, Dartmouth's Voke student numbers are up. Students who attend Voke do not reduce the town's school obligation ...

...but do reduce the funds available to the Dartmouth schools. This is becasue the school funds for each student follows the child. When kids go to Voke, the town pays the per pupil assessment to the Voke budget and not the Dartmouth school budget. The additional twenty or so students who have chosen Voke reduces the local funding about another $200,000.
Given the falling student population and increased Voke attendance, our local school district may have $1.5 million less to spend next year.
Reduced school population does not reduce many of the costs of running the district. Building must be heated and maintained, buses run, classrooms manned by teachers, etc. How will the school department deal with the reduced budget from falling student population? What do you think should be done?


Anonymous said...

The loss of 140 students is a concern. SC member Judy Boles noted that the number was higher than any year she can remember in her 12 years on the school committee. The loss of this number of students will have a real impact on school finances in the coming years. Beyond the financial impact - which is significant - one should ask the question why are so many people making the decision to remove their children from the system? Did they all just decide to move elsewhere? Job relocations, sunny climates and what not? Are parents unhappy with the direction of our town and/or school system and looking at alternative choices for their education? Are our facilities overcrowded and unattractive? Is our leadership-school/town- unresponsive to the educational needs of our community? Is it a combination of the above?
Ms Boles recognized the significance of the loss of students and asked the administration to try and determine the casues behind the flight from our schools. I understand the administration will be reporting back to the SC their findings at an upcoming school committee meeting.
The financial implications of this student loss are significant to the town - less state money coming in and not enough of a student loss to allow for more school closings or significant reductions in staff or transportation needs. Very troubling.
Greg Jones

Anonymous said...

Hey Greg, It's your generation not having as many kids! The largest number of decline is in the second grade.Two parents are working and can no longer afford to have as many kids. It's not all a result of parents removing kids from the system.

Anonymous said...

Well,I guess that about settles it then. No further study needed. Thanks for the info!
Greg Jones

Anonymous said...

Beware of studies conducted by people with preconceived notions or predetermined desired results!

Anonymous said...

Sorry Greg Anonymous 9:50 represents the general tone for this blog almost 100% of the time. If you were/are expecting better this is not the place.

Anonymous said...

Once again Greg there ya have it, the 10 mile uphill crowd chimes in and put's everything into perspective. Thought and discussion is not allowed, only my way or the highway. That's why they love Bobblehead so much, pure emotion no thought process. She leads with her GUT much like W and we all now what a fine job he did. Once again Greg do not try to extend an olive branch to this crowd it is futile. Intelligence is not appreciated nor is it recognized in these parts of the BLOGOSPHERE.

Anonymous said...

New candidate is a hair flipper and look at me and my goods personality, so what shall we call her if you call Diane Bobblehead. maybe we should call her Booblebum.

Your assumption, all override supporters are anti Gilbert. Wrong! You can be pro override and extremely pro Gilbert. It isn't black and white. It is about balance.

Anonymous said...

I like that '10 mile uphill crowd' line!
Gee, one day and a citizen who steps up and decides to run for the select board gets thoroughly trashed on this blog site. Another proud moment in Dartmouth's distinguished history. Classic.

Anonymous said...

This is a scary blog, controlled by angry people.

Anonymous said...

If you notice most of the anger starts with someone who is not in agreement with most of the people on this blog. Unfortunately, some people take the bait and fire back. Whether it be here or on Curt Brown's blog there is always one or two posters who try to ruin the blog for everyone. You just have to be able to ignore those who post negatively. It is hard to do though because they think that the more they post, the more they are winning. What they don't realize is that they are only making fools of themselves, especially since it is often easy to figure out who they are.

Anonymous said...

I don't mind a little spirited debate, but it should revolve around the issues.