Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Regionalization summit proposed

The Standard Times ran an article yesterday about a summit to explore regionalization of services proposed by Select Board Chair Joe Michaud. Click here to read the article.
The current economic downturn is affecting all communities across the state and nation. The resulting budget crunch is impetus to look at cost saving measures that may not have been considered previously due to parochial interests. I applaud Mr. Michaud stepping forward to lead on this issue...

... and I hope that other communities will participate.
Some areas where regional services may be desirable are dispatch services, animal control, conservation, natural resources, procurement and purchasing, and schools to name a few. The exact arrangement of new service will have to be fleshed out. For instance, the county might run a regional dispatch or animal control might be provided by the larger cities and towns to others on a fee for service or yearly fee basis.
Representative Canessa of New Beford has proposed a study by the state to identify areas where the approach makes sense. I posted about it here.


Anonymous said...

rather than Dartmouth giving our Money away why doesn't the select board try to convince communities to use our services and we will charge it out. Rather than CUT CUT CUT CUT we can raise money.

Anonymous said...

Specifics please.

Anonymous said...

our dispatch could be the center for freetown and lakeville and wesport..

Anonymous said...

Have you contacted them yet so that you can report your findings to the Select Board? When is your first meeting with Freetown, Lakeville and Westport? Since you are willing to take the lead on this, I will glady go with you to these meetings to support your exemplary leadership. I have no doubt that you will coordinate the effective regionalization of dispatch among these three towns.

Anonymous said...

I see you have alot to say..i wonder what have YOU done to help..dont cut people down or call people out if your not willing to stick your neck out and get something DONE.

Anonymous said...

I don't understand your post. You seem angry. I said I was willing to go with you to your meeting. I totally agree with you and am willing to help you implement your plan to regionalize dispatch. When is your meeting? I think your plan will help preserve services and avoid some cut cut cutting.

Bill Trimble said...

See this post for details about the regional summit. See you there!

Anonymous said...

Don't look any further, in my opinion, this is the reason why the SB decided not to renew Michael Gagne' contract. If you read the legislative Acts of 1993 “position and duties of executive administrator, for the town of Dartmouth.”The duty/ responsibility of the Ex. Administrator is to make changes/recommendations, along with a five year financial plan or take any action there to. What didn't happen, is a direct reflection of why the town charter was formed and voted by town meeting. Who's to blame?? Yup, your right, the lame duck ex. Administrator.
The SB will go forward with making the tough choices, the ones that Michael didn't want to make. He rolled the dice and lost. Mr. Trimble got elected and McLean is gone. Just think, if McLean was re-elected, Michael will still be the ex. Administrator and the SB, along with all the town departments, would be clueless.
The SB have but one choice, cut, cut, cut, until we can see the five year financial picture. This is how it works. One selectman makes a motion to dissolve or restructure a town department, it receives a second and the SB votes. THAT'S IT FOLKS! NO BIGGY. JUST DO IT.
Something to ponder......
Why did the 2006 select board members, allow seven town employee's, to have a clause in their contract that tied the hands of our town or any future SB appointments??? Plus another clause stating that the SB can't eliminate the position of seven unless a personnel reduction, equal to the department heads salary, is met and the SB shall find a town position for such department head at a lower level with the same attached salary. DON”T BLAME ME VOVU, I DIDN”T DO IT.