Saturday, January 31, 2009

Quincy Patriot Ledger on regional services

The Patriot Ledger had an opinion piece here about regional services. Some of the services which they mention as having been regionalized are 911 dispatch, health inspections, ...

...and fire departments. They end by advocating for increased regionalization.
As the budgets tighten around the state, more voices will call for regional services. We have an opportunity here to cut costs and increase efficiency. I think that animal control, conservation and other departments might also be a good candidate of regional efforts.
The state is also looking to have school districts regionalize to cut administrative costs. Another idea whose time may have come. One incentive for regional schools is that teh state picks up a large portion of the busing. That could save our town about $2million dollars and reduce admin costs. Something to think about. What do you think?


Anonymous said...

I will fight against privatization every step Bill! it is a BAD situation... PERIOD

Bill Trimble said...

Why do you think that? I want to know the reasons behind your position.

Anonymous said...

You mention regionalizing certain dept. But certain dept have local bylaws. Which other towns may or may not. I think merging certain dept maybe to cut back on cost of supplies or staff but regionalizing no.

Bill Trimble said...

Again, why not regionalize? Bylaws can be changed. What reasons are there to believe that regionalization will not save money. It works all across the country.

Anonymous said...

The privatization of the refuge pick up in NYC has not worked and is milking the system dry..Bill I thought you were a Democrat..Democrats are not usually for privatization..what is the deal?

Anonymous said...

The vocational high school has cost us dearly the last few years and we have little control over its costs. While the education there may be good that example of regionlization has proven to be very expensive. How is the town's lawsuit on the voc assessment coming along? Have not heard about that recently.

Bill Trimble said...

Actually we were getting a deal on Voke before and now that has ended and the money follows the student. Please give some support for the contention that Voke has cost us a lot. I don't think so. Our assessment is higher for FY10 because we have 22 more students going to Voke. The Voke spends RNSS for its students. We have members on the Voke school committee so Dartmouth does have control of the costs.
The Superior Court judge threw our case against Voke out and we are going to appeal.
What is the problem in NYC with refuse? What has not worked?
A Democratic President, Clinton, initiated contracting out or privatization of all kinds of federal programs. In fact, federal employees must periodically bid for their jobs against contractors in a sealed bidding process. This Democrat and most others that I know are for efficient delivery of services.
You have us confused with the Republicans who talk about cutting government and letting markets work, but then steal as much of the taxpayers money as they can.

Anonymous said...

in the late 50s NYC privatized all commercial solid wast collection and has since then been trying to make it behave more like a competitive market rather than a protection racket. according to one estimate the 1.5 billion dollar trash bill by NYC businesses for private collection is aboout 500 million higher than it should be. (crain's new york bussiness 1995,8)

Anonymous said...

Privatization is OUTSOURCING, Bill you should now full well about OUTSOURCING being from the Pittsburgh area and all. Here real simple corporations do not care about anything but profit. So it is safe to assume that you will voluntarily ship out anyhwere from 5 to 30% of our busdget out of our LOCAL economy by OUTSOURCING our infrastructure. Here is some study work for you the next time you see a BFI or Waste Management trash truck look at who is hanging off the back or even in some cases now who is driving the truck. Then think about who that person is and what they do with their miniscule pay.Follow the dollar, buddy... Try it let me know what you come up with.

Anonymous said...

Privatize everything with sealed bids!!! I've had it with my tax bill and what I get for it. Anything would be better than the way it is now. Government hacks get rid of all the unions in the private sector but not their own. Let them know what it feels like to have to compete. Once they know what that feels like, maybe they will make laws that actually help everyone instead of just them!!!

Anonymous said...

Whoa there, 9:13. DPW workers, library staff, teachers, and other public employees are not "government hacks." They are just workers who have not yet had their unions busted by business or conservative political interests. Believe me, if conservative politicians can find a way to break the back of the govt employee unions (like Reagan did with the air traffic controllers in the 1980s), they will.

Anonymous said...

thank you 10:19 without Unions there would be NO middle class

Anonymous said...

Mr. Sharples seems to love to be on his bully-pulpit ..Who ever this guys is..STOP RANTING and get involved..all talk no action .

Anonymous said...

Real nice. Dr Sharples writes a letter supporting the select board members who are trying to implement progressive change so you resort to personal attacks. Where are the civility police when you need them?

Anonymous said...

Civility police?! You're kidding right? This blog has been filled with venom since it's inception and when someone posts against the traditional 'Hitching Post' grain you call for the civility police? Puhleeze.

Anonymous said...

So you condone the personal attacks against Dr. Sharples? Shame on you.

Anonymous said...

No I don't condone any un-civil diatribe against anyone voicing their opinions. Just find it funny people here would get indignant when one of their own is called out. Plenty of trash talk here before and so long as it's the party line nobody objected. Now if it's against a hitching post team member, well that's adifferent story.

Anonymous said...

I find it odd that when someone objects to personal attacks, you attack the objector. If you don't condone personal attacks as you say, then wouldn't you agree with my objection. Both sides have been attacked and I think it should stop on both sides. Don't you? I am not being indignant because it is from one side or another. I object to it from either side. Don't you?