Friday, January 30, 2009

Finance Committee meets with town department heads

Last night, the Finance Committee met with the heads of the town departments to kick off their review of the town's FY10 budget. The evening began with the presentation of the budget numbers agreed upon by the Finance Committee and Select Board at a meeting on Tuesday. See my post here. The goal is that each department will go back and prepare their 2010 budget based upon the amounts presented. Mr Lynam went over the prioritized budget amounts. Nearly all departments will see a substantial reduction in funding.
Mr. Friedman asked the department heads to come to their session with the committee...

... prepared to discuss the impacts of the proposed budget, a five year outlook for the funding of their departmental budget and a capital needs list for the next five years. Mr. Friedman proposed that the budget impacts be presented as a bullet list. Mr. Friedman also suggested that capital items which provide long term savings, either through increased efficiencies or cost avoidance, would be given precedence.
Mr. Iacaponi spoke about the need for department heads to closely control spending for this fiscal year. He also gave a summary of the anticipated FY10 revenues.
Mr Gagne asked those in attendance to write to our state representatives in support of the Municipal Partnership act which will provide alternative means of revenue by taxing telecommunications property and providing a local option for a meals tax.
Mr Friedman asked for questions and comments from the department heads and getting none, adjourned the meeting.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

whatever happened to renovating the old schools?